🍁 Sixteen : At Mancy's House

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It was late at night, and Genevieve found herself lying on her bed, gazing up at the ceiling lost in thought.

Her daily routine had become monotonous: cleaning the house, tending to the garden, lounging on the couch, meeting Evan, and then retreating back to sleep.

While she had plenty of money saved up, thanks to Vincent's support, she had decided to discontinue her therapy sessions. 

Spending that money on therapy had felt like her only diversion, and now she longed for something more fulfilling.

Despite her mother Emma's success in the business world, including owning a restaurant in Sydney, Genevieve had never felt inclined to follow in her footsteps. 

Even though Emma resided in Seoul, she couldn't bring herself to leave her late husband Choi's hometown.

Genevieve remained quiet in her dimly lit room, the only illumination coming from a distant streetlight outside.

"I wish I had something interesting to do," she mumbled to herself, the silence of the room amplifying her words.

"You're not too late to start something now," Evan's voice broke the silence, and Genevieve turned her head to find him seated on the couch near the window, just as he had been before.

Genevieve bit her lip, her gaze returning to the ceiling.

"Don't you agree, Evie?" Evan prodded.

She sighed. "I don't know what to do," she admitted.

"Do you like cooking?" Evan inquired.

"I rarely cook. But I do enjoy making sushi," she confessed.

"Then why not pay a visit to Mancy's house? Perhaps she knows a chef who could help you out. Didn't she offer something like that a week ago?" Evan suggested, catching Genevieve off guard.

"How did you know about that?" she asked, surprised.

"I overheard your conversation with Mancy the first time you met her," Evan explained.

Genevieve blinked, then refocused on the ceiling. He was remarkably observant.

With a deep breath, Evan rose from the couch.

"Well then, I'll take my leave," he said, heading towards the door. "Have a good night's sleep, Evie."

Though she didn't look at him, Genevieve knew he had left. 

She closed her eyes, hoping to drift off into a peaceful slumber, perhaps waking up with newfound inspiration in the morning.

• • • 🍁 • • •

The next morning, Genevieve found herself lacking inspiration, having forgotten the dream from the night before.

With her back against the armrest and legs stretched out on the sofa, she absentmindedly scribbled in her notebook, attempting to write a recipe but ultimately crossing it out.

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