Chapter 2

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"Dangi!!" Hyunjae ran to me looking like I'm his guardian with the black adidas backpack hanging on his left arm.

"what?" I asked him and looked around.

He panted. "don't worry, there's no one around. I'm pretty sure I've checked it" He winked."I'm hungry, Dangi should we get something?" He wanted to put his arm on my shoulder, but resisted when he double thought of it.

I mean even though we're best friends, but it doesn't really mean 'best friends', it's more to 'secret friends'. We tend to not do skin ships.

"Me? eating with you?" " I'm sorry I need to go back to dorm, I don't have much time to study you know? I still didn't know a thing about the history of this country.

"That's so easy I could probably teach you while we're eating though.." He groaned. "Please Dangji..." He blinked so many times that makes my eyes in so much pain.

"Fine, but promise we're not just there to eat, but to learn too". I pressed the word learn so that he could bear in his mind that I'm targeting the first rank in my colleagues.


As soon as we got to the nearest Burger King, we ordered the same burger and strawberry fanta for me. As he promised, he really thought me those functions and even though I knew those were actually pretty simple, but I was amazed by him. He showed me new side of him every time we met.

"Why do you need to learn about history though? Is it also part of what you major in?"

"Sort of I would say.."

"By the way, how's everything with Dann? Is it good? Or bad?" Hyunjae asked me, making a 'good' and 'bad' with his hand.

Of course he knew about that already since we did share about our secrets to each other, accidentally, many times I guess.

"No. We broke up" I took the last bite of my burger and drank my fanta. I didn't hear any response so I peeked through the cup, and he just nodded.

"I'm good though." I pit down the cup. "I think that's a good thing for me too since there's no more disturbance to study. I'm fine, really"

He smiled."Then, that's good haha". Now it's my turn.

"What about you? How's things with Chia? She seems to have rejected you though" I laughed. "I mean she really isn't the type to date, I could see it".

"If things are not going the right way, I think I'm gonna stop. It's not going to work if it's only one-sided "

I hummed.

"Enough of the drama. I have tons of things to do at dorm. See you!"

And by that, we went to separate ways to our own dorms. This college is pretty big and every girl and boy's dorms are so far. And between each girl's dorm has a quite large field too. Even though I've never been to RoseChamp, the dorm which are mostly for the upper senior, and for those who are 'rich', I'm pretty sure things and facilities like the study rooms and laundry are much better there.


I arrived at my dorm, just to notice that my roommate was having a small party with his boyfriend that is much older than us, older than Hyunjae too. I didn't know why I needed to compare him to Hyunjae. That was so random and I quickly bowed and excused myself and bumped on my bed and put on my headphone.

They both stood up after noticed that they can't do much more since I'm here. And also to respect the people in the room I guess. Sara closed the door back after bidding lovely goodbye to her boyfriend. I quickly stood up, giggles stucked in my face while staring at her ocean blue eyes.

"What did you guys do earlier?" I asked, being too excited after getting a break up. "Did you guys drink much, by any chance?" I peeked to the empty bottles on the table that was placed at the center of our room. It was a wooden folded table that we both bought together when we first entered this room.

"Yeah basically" Sara laughed. "He showed me the magic talent he has though. Even though I clearly saw with my eyes the way he tried to let the card slipped into his sleeves, but I just played along."

"At least he got the confidence to make you happy, unlike mine"

"Shut up Dangi, you'll meet the one sooner or later. You still has long way to go..."

I agreed with her and opened my phone right away to call Hyunjae. It became a routine to call him every night to tell him about my so called fun life.

One part of my brain was imagining his face while staring at the ceiling fan. His soft face, his small eyes, and of course that sharp nose of him that I didn't believe he didn't do any surgery on it before. He looked...good to be true to be honest. I questioned myself what have I done to deserve a friend with that look.

"Dangi...? Are you asleep already? "

I snapped out of my mind. I didn't praised him, of course. I just stated some facts.


"Okay let's stop here shall we? You have a class tomorrow" Hyunjae said. "We have a class tomorrow. You're just one year older and it doesn't have that much different okay." Why did he always think that he's a grown up already??

I ended up the call and talked with Sara a little more about tomorrow's classes. We both majored the same which was geological science and it was pretty leisure actually, maybe because we're just freshmen. Seniors said sometimes they get to travel to another country to study about its specialty there, if that's what people called.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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