Chapter 32 | Pot Stirred

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After saying my goodbyes to Sophie and Ruth, Kade took me back to the villa. He insisted on taking me, and because of how exhausted I am I simply gave in.

Sophie had been a little sad I was leaving, but soon was distracted when Ruth let her eat from the cookie jar again.

Shyla was the first one waiting for me by the door, her worried eyes now filled with mischief as she saw that Kade had driven me.

I unbuckle my seatbelt, turning my head towards Kade as I let out a sigh. His jaw clenched, his hands tightening on the steering wheel.

"I know, you don't have to say it. It wont happen aga-" I shake my head, no, I'm not going to let this prick start with this bullshit.

I kiss him, not in my right mind at all but fuck it. It's a gentle kiss, nothing like what we had been doing earlier this morning as we shoved our tongues down eachothers throats. Our tongues move against one another lazily with passion. He groans against my lips, sucking on my bottom lip as he squeezes my thigh roughly.

I pull back entirely too soon, our mix of saliva salivating in my mouth. "I loved it, but that doesn't mean I forgot about the past." I breath out, looking into the void of his green eyes.

He simply nodds, giving my thigh a love tap before walking over to my car door and opening it.

Reluctantly I step out of the carseat, far too eager to hop back in so we can fall into eachothers arms once more.

The warm, humid air consumes me as I say my next words. "Bye, Kade."

He smiles, a brillant and wide smile that would bring Goddesses to their knees. Kade leans against the car, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"See you soon, princess."


"Wait," Kiaa starts, shaking her head as she squeezes her eyes shut. "You're telling me that you and Kade did some spicy stuff that wasn't spicy spicy, and then he gave you a damn spa day?" She rambles out.

I snort, taking a fork full of pasta before shoving it in my mouth. "Yep," I confirmed, earning a blank stare from Merlia and Dallia.

I'm giving them a headache probably.

Kiaa sighs dramatically, flopping onto the soft white couch as she hits her forehead. "Girl, you really are living the dream out here."

Dallia chuckles, the fire crackling in the distance as we sit near its warmth.

It felt good to be back at the villa, although most summer days it's hectic, I can't help but fall inlove with the open atmosphere of it.

We had been sitting here for about half an hour, well more like interrogating me as Dallia would say. And even though I enjoy Kiaa and Shyla's theatrics, we had an event to be at.

The event? Taking a nap on my families yacht.

Very eventful, if you ask me.

My mother had insisted today that we go on her boat with a couple other families of the ton, not that she even likes most of them.

'Most of them' being the Aphelions.

Fortunately, Rhea was going to be able to join us on the yacht. No doubt going to tackle us with her rambling about Adrian and how he's an asshole.

"Let's get ready, I need to get a tan in for a photo shoot I have next week." Merlia gushed, hopping up from the couch as she dragged Shyla along with her.

I smiled, walking over to clean my plate quickly before heading upstairs.

"I hope theres floaties." Dallia muttered.


Soon after our two hours of getting ready to do absolutely nothing, we were on our way to the dock.

The girls definitely didn't go light on appearance, which is not suprising since it took all of us twenty minutes to find a damn bikini in our pile of them.

It took me a little longer to get ready though, since Kade thought it was a wonderful idea to leave love bites all over my stomach and thighs.

Which lead me to cover myself in water proof foundation that I am now very lucky Dallia had gifted me from her new collection.

Speaking of Dallia, she definitely looked the most put to together out of all of us. Her one piece swimsuit matched her style perfectly, a pluge white swimsuit with light fringe at the ends of it.

What made it even more sexy yet innocent was the ties along the hips of it, and how it accentuated her slip waist with the cut outs on each side.

The sky was beautiful today, fluffy tony white clouds scattered across it's canvas. Capri was bustling with locals today, and the docks were filled with yachts and fishing boats.

A hand closed around my shoulder, jerking me from my thoughts. Turning around, I was met with Merlia's bright grin. "Guess what," She squeaked in my ear, excitment bubbling inside of her.

I raised an eyebrow, "You finally found heels that you can't look sexy in?" I teased. She rolled her eyes, her blonde hair shining like gold in the sunlight. "No, remember how I told you about Zane Blackford and how I totally won him in that debate we had?" She began, not waiting long for my response.

"Well, that prick is going to be on the Yacht, and I am going to give him a piece of my mind about his blatant disregard to my theory on how-" I quickly snorted, way too relaxed from my morning massage to deal with her acute intelligence.

Shyla came along side, doused in sunscreen as she clutched her cute hawaiian beach bag. We were almost at the dock now, but the smell of Risotto almost stopped me in my tracks.

Soon enough, we made it to the yacht.

My mother greeted as soon was we stepped onboard, bombarding me with questions I easily dodged about how I hadn't responded to her calls. She gave me a tight eyebrow, before calling over Ade to come annoy the crap out of me.

Which he did. As he blabbed on about some hot 'chick' he had met at a party.

Highschoolers. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

Kiaa tapped my shoulder, her brows knitted. "Isn't that Maria Aphelion? The fuck is she doing here?" I tense up, turning to her sight of vision to see the blonde bimbo trying to flirt up the bartender.

Dammit, why the hell does my mom try to be like Kris Jenner. Always creating a stir.



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