Break In - Jack in the Box x GN Reader

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(This was made way back in March I just forgot to publish it)
You covered your mouth in horror. You just got a message from your boss (that you had a crush on)
He stated:
"Heyyy Y/N. I heard you didn't try my burger today."
You hastily typed a reply.
"I'm sorry Jack, it looked bad! I'm sure it's good though!"
"I'm just gonna ignore that first comment. Look, if you thought it was good, why didn't you eat it?"
"I wasn't hungry."
"I'm coming over. And when I do, you will eat that burger."
"No I won't, I'm sorry."
You dropped the phone. What was he being so scary for?! Was he gonna force feed you the burger?!
You turned off your TV and ran into your room's closet and slammed the doors. Your heart raced. But another thing that made the whole situation scarier was the car you could hear drive up to your house. Your heart stopped. A loud bang was heard at your door. Something crashed.
"Tch, typical Y/N. Always hiding." Said Jack. You freaked out. He was after you. You heard several doors slamming, and eventually the door to your bathroom slammed. The one right next to your bedroom.
"Let's see... are you still in, babe?"
Okay, that was kinda hot.
You panicked. What the hell should you do?!
Option 1: Surrender
Option 2: Stay hidden
Option 3: Run for your life

Option 1:
You heard the door to your room slam open. A tear of fear streamed down your face. You heard footsteps leading up to your closet.
"I admit, you have very nice decor. But... you still gotta open up." You stood up and opened the door slowly. He had a smug grin.
"Thaaaat's right. Now open your mouth." You complied, feeing a burger jam into your mouth. You almost choked, but started chewing before you agitated him even more.
Hey, this is actually pretty good!
You swallowed the burger, and he smiled.
"Good, now you've tried it! No need to thank me!" He pat your head and walked out, leaving your house.
What the fuck just happened?

Option 2:
You heard the door to your room slam open. A tear of fear streamed down your face. You heard footsteps leading up to your closet.
"I admit, you have very nice decor. But... you still gotta open up." You shrunk into the corner, trying to cover yourself with an old jacket. You spotted the door slowly opening.
"Peekaboooo~" The light came in, and you saw his hot and scary face. He had a burger in his hand, gripped tightly. He didn't see you at first, but spotted the jacket move slightly.
"Y/N, you're in there. I can see the jacket." You gave up and uncovered yourself, still in the closet corner.
"Heyyyy Jack."
"Ahem, I do believe that we have something we need to take care of. So if you could just kindly eat this burger, we won't have an issue."

(Sorry I could not be bothered finishing this chapter lmao-
I don't even think there's any JitB's in my country so I don't even know why I wrote this)

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