part 8

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After the last scene ended, the screen went black. I remembered that Mashima-sensei said that we would be seeing a maximum of six memories per day. The projection must have concluded the viewing of the day. I saw the students waiting for the screen to come on. Weren't you listening to the words of the sensei before? So it seems.

Mashima-sensei stood up and walked towards the podium. "Okay, students. Today's viewing has come to an end. Please calmly leave the theater for class. For those students who still have concerns, please wait here until everyone leaves." He gently instructed.

Sakayanagi, Katsuragi, Ryuuen, Ichinose, Kanzaki, and Horikita stayed behind. I don't see any merit in staying with them, of course, Horikita will inform me later. Not to mention, Chabashira-sensei will approach me about her concerns. I can relax and clear my head to think about why the government decided to do this.

I walked behind my classmates. Class D seemed to be composed, even some of them are currently deep in thought. What conclusion have they reached, I wonder? What is your reaction to knowing that I was behind the success of the class instead of Horikita? Will they calmly accept it? Scream in anger?

I head to the upper deck, the fresh air seems to be good at the moment. I saw Sudo and the others heading to their rooms. Clearing your mind before sleeping is also a good idea. The amount of information must have overloaded their brain, I can only imagine the pain of thinking about the memories we saw. Especially since they didn't even have the proper amount of intelligence to figure it out to begin with.

I can hear the sound of the waves crashing on the side of the ship, the figure of seagulls flying in the air in the same direction as the wind. I approach the railing slowly, savoring the sensation of the wind beating against my skin, a few splashes of seawater on my face. How did the sea taste so salty? Did people throw salt during the early days? Did God want it? Or is it some scientific experiment that was carried out a long time ago? Either way, I appreciate the new sensation against my skin. Sometimes I wake up thinking that all this is a dream, that I will find myself in that place again, that it is nothing more than a fantasy that my mind imagined to escape from my harsh reality.

Why is this sight, this world taken for granted by its inhabitants? Do you know how lucky you are to experience this? while some are suffering in different places; wanting to enjoy this kind of thing? The way the sun meets the ocean when the sun goes down. The bright stars that graced the night sky. The seemingly endless view of the ocean? The amazing places and things the world has to offer?

I want to experience it all. But don't get me wrong. I didn't like or hate that place. In fact, I'm grateful. I am well informed at a young age thanks to them.

The class leaders stayed behind. They all seemed to have some questions and queries about the screening set up by the government.

"What are your questions?"
Mashima-sensei asked the six students sitting across from the teachers next to each other. Hoshinomiya and Chabashira looked at the students in front of them. They are sitting near the podium to prevent information from leaking.

"Why did the government choose to do this experiment? More importantly, why Ayanokoji-kun?" Sakayanagi went straight to the point. Horikita looked surprised. How do you know Ayanokoji-kun? They are close?

"Unfortunately, we don't know the answer to that, Sakayanagi." Chabashira sighed, looked at her colleagues. "We were also surprised when the box with the letter was sent here. There is no news from the president, from the high command or anything to explain the situation."

Sakayanagi smiled nonetheless, "I see. Thank you for answering my question, Chabashira-sensei." She bowed slightly.

Katsuragi got ready to ask next, but Ryuuen punched him. "Are the superiors okay with this happening? Kukuku, this is against the principles of the school. All future special exams, the rules that are only known to the teachers and the president are shown to the students." , You know?"

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