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#1 Hikumi Shinso

Name- Hikumi Shinso


Height- 5' 10" 178cm

Birthday- July 1st

Sexuality- bisexual

Gender identity- transmasc

Pronouns- He/Him, They/Them

Hair Color: Dark Purple

Hair Length/Style: Short, somewhat fluffy

Eye Color: Dark Purple

Quirk- Telekinesis

Current Level: 6/10

Quirk Abilities:

- Can move living and nonliving objects with his mind.

- Can use these objects as weapons or shields.

- Can also somewhat manipulate the emotions of those in a 5 meter radius of him

Quirk Drawbacks:

- The larger the object the harder it is to move

- Gets migraines and nausea if quirk is overused

- For the emotion manipulation, it can be very hard to control the emotions if the person is feeling very strongly one way

Personality- very energetic and outgoing. Makes friends easily. Loud and extroverted but very aware of the feelings of those around him. Humorous and a trouble maker.

Likes: spicy/hot candy, early morning runs, eucalyptus smell.

Dislikes: sweet and sour food, burnt marshmallows, ink smudges on hand (he's left handed)


- Plays practical jokes on others using quirk

- Flirts platonically with friends, however he is dating Alvaro

#2 Alvaro Amajiki

Name- Alvaro Alecto Amajiki

Age- 15

Height- 5' 3" 160cm

Birthday- September 7th

Sexuality- androsexual

Gender identity- agender (doesn't really care how other perceive him/his gender identity)

Pronouns- He/They

Hair Color: Light brown

Hair Length/Style: less than shoulder length, really fluffy

Eye Color: Brown

- Pointy elf-like ears

- Freckles

Quirk- Time Lag

Current Level: 7/10

Quirk Abilities:

- Can manipulate time around him

- Can slow down time around him as far as a 10 meter radius

- He is unaffected by the effects of the quirk; is is able to move at normal speed while quirk is activated

- Can also specify a certain object and manipulate the effects time has on it

Quirk Drawbacks:

- He cannot control who their quirk effects, so everything in a ten meter radius slows down, regardless friend or foe

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