Chapter One - Ayashi

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"Cal, Ayashi! For the love of God, haul your lifeless bodies down here!" Kyoki yelled up the stairs.

"Coming," said a muffled voice. Ayashi appeared at the top of the stairs and hurried toward the kitchen. Hitomi was sitting on the kitchen island, nursing a cup of coffee. She handed Ayashi a cream cheese-covered bagel.

"Thanks," Ayashi responded, "where are the guys?"

"Right here," Calix called, bounding down the stairs. "I dunno about the other two though."

"Bagel?" Hitomi asked. Calix nodded and took one from the lineup of plates next to Hitomi.

"Are you guys-" Ayashi started, but Kyoki cut her off.

"Ayashi, hon. Chew then talk." Ayashi laughed and paused before beginning again.

"Are you guys excited for today?"

"Hell no!" Hitomi laughed humorlessly. "We're a year behind. We should be with the first years. The staff probably felt bad for us and stuck us with kids our age."

"We won't be that far behind," Kyoki chirped.

"Easy for you to say."

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"Well," Calix said a little too loudly, hoping to cut in on the bickering before it escalated. "Our quirks are pretty powerful, I guess. Besides, it's not like we haven't had proper training before."

"I haven't," Hitomi paused, "but you make a good point."

Kyoki checked her phone. "I swear to god if they make us late..." As if answering her comment, the final two appeared at the top of the staircase.

"Look who decided to join us," Calix taunted. The two in question, Alvaro and Hikumi, paused their conversation as they entered the kitchen.

"Guys, grab your stuff cause we don't have time for you to eat here." Kyoki pointed to the remaining plates on the counter. They obliged, and the group filed out.

The walk was relatively short, and soon the group was passing the other students' dorms. Two students were walking a few hundred paces ahead of them, and when Hitomi noticed them, she called out, "Hitoshi!"

The taller of the two turned around and paused. He waved, waiting for the six to catch up. Hitomi raced toward him and threw her arms around his neck. He hugged her back and ruffled her hair once they separated.

"Who's that?" the boy next to Shinso whispered.

"My sister," Shinso gestured to the rest of the group. "And her friends."

"Oh, the new transfer students." Shinso nodded.

"Hey Hitoshi!" Hikumi greeted them with a wave.

The boy next to Shinso elbowed him. "Are you gonna introduce me or what?"

"My name's Hikumi Shinso," Hikumi responded, although the question was not directed toward him. "I'm Hitoshi's brother. That," he pointed to Hitomi, "is my sister, Hitomi. Blue hair is Ayashi Savachi." She waved. "And the one next to her is Calix Kojnori. Oh, and that's Alvaro Amajiki."

"Oh cool! My name is Denki Kaminari. Nice to meet you all!" After the introductions were made, the group of eight continued toward the school. Ayashi and Hikumi fell into step with Hitoshi and Denki.

"So you guys are like triplets?" Denki gestured to the two guys and then back at Hitomi.

"Yeah, something like that." Hikumi responded. "Also, to avoid confusion, just call me and Hitomi by our first names; we don't mind."

"Cool cool. Hey, is your quirk something like Hitoshi's?" Denki asked, his eyes brightening.

"What do you mean by that?" Hikumi asked.

"Like, mind stuff."

"I guess? I dunno. My quirk is telekinesis."

"Cool, what's yours?" Denki leaned over and made eye contact with Ayashi.

"Umbrakinesis," she replied softly.

"What's that?"

"Shadow manipulation."

"Badass." Ayashi smiled, and Denki turned back to Hikumi. "What about Hitomi?"

"I don't know what hers is called," Hikumi glanced back at her, but she was too busy messing with Calix's hair to notice. "But you'll probably see it today. I think we're doing a quirk assessment for Aizawa."

"You guys are in Aizawa's class?"

"Yep," Ayashi said, popping the p.

The group approached the school, entered through the large doors, and hurried to the 2A homeroom. The six made their way to the back of the class while Hitoshi and Denki lingered near the front, striking up a conversation with a pink-haired girl.

Hitomi and Ayashi made themselves comfortable in the far corner, talking quietly in an attempt not to draw attention to themselves. Their plan failed when a kid with green hair bounded over to them.

"Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me Deku. You guys are the new transfer students, right?" he asked.

Wow. This kid's smart. Ayashi laughed at Hitomi's message, earning a puzzled look from Deku.

"Yeah, I'm Ayashi Savachi." Ayashi turned to Hitomi and let her introduce herself. Deku's eyes widened.

"You're Hitoshi's sister?" he quizzed. His fingers twitched on a notebook he held, and Ayashi briefly wondered if he was about to start taking notes on their conversation.

"That's so cool!"

Hitomi laughed and smiled. I know, it's fucking amazing. What a small world! Ayashi elbowed her.

"Deku!" the pink-haired girl hollered. She motioned him over, and he gave the two girls a quick wave before crossing the room.

Thankfully, no one else came over to talk to the girls, but it seemed like a group of kids had started interviewing Calix and Kyoki. Every few questions, Calix would glance at Ayashi and roll his eyes. So much for a good first impression. Their new classmates were probably just trying to be friendly, but to Ayashi, it came across as annoying. She decided to at least give them all a chance. This school would be a great start. This place was so far away from all the rumors that it would be a perfect place to reinvent herself.


Thank you for reading! First six chapters are done but updates will be random after that. Chapters are around 1,000-2,500 words by the way. Hope you enjoyed. Love you!! <3

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