Chapter 2: Reflection

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The morning cold breeze and the cafe door ringing alerted employees to prepare for their first customer of the day. Roji was the head barista and had opened the store, so he was front and center to serve whoever decided to have coffee at 5:40 am on a cold fall morning was a fantastic idea.

Well, that person was none other than Executor Muhyo. The bells above the wood-framed glass door announced his presence as a trumpet would announce the arrival of a king.

He stepped into the cafe with a swish of his cool black cape, throwing more cold air in Roji's direction (As if it wasn't cold enough already!) and swiftly handed Roji a card.

The wards on the ceiling blew in all sorts of directions. Mostly in the wind. Mostly.

Roji took the card, greeting the short boy nervously. "Good morning Executor Muhyo...."

Muhyo answered by looking away with a "hmmph".

Roji smiled awkwardly, a drop of sweat on his head.

They hadn't seen each other since the perfect coffee day, which might have been weeks ago.

Roji had kind of hoped he wouldn't be back, but the other part of him that remembered the satisfied look on Muhyo's face when he drank the brew that he made said otherwise. He loved pleasing people. Getting a "good job" from his boss always puts him in high spirits. He had looked at Muhyo's 5-star review hundreds of times and thought of his smooth voice saying "perfect" every time he made a coffee.

He knew deep down he wanted Muhyo to come again. To have him drink what he made and give him that satisfied face.

It was one of Roji's little weaknesses that gave him his unwavering strength to please others around him.

The blond looked at the card the Executor had handed to him. It was the free drink and pastry coupon Roji had subtly bribed him with last time (just in case Roji didn't make the coffee perfectly).

He actually wanted to use it?

Roji scanned the coupon into the system and tried to smile warmly at Muhyo. "Your coupon has been validated. Please take a seat. Someone will come by shortly to take your order."

Muhyo simply blinked at him and furrowed his brows. "But no one else is here. Why can't I just take my order right now?" he questioned with a slight glare in his cat-like icy blue eyes.

"U-um well uh," Roji started, but Muhyo was right.

Other than the manager doing paperwork in the back and the prep people preparing the second round of pastries, Roji was the only available server at the moment. And Muhyo was the first customer of the day.

He sighed and smiled weakly. "W-what would you like, Executor Muhyo..."

Muhyo quirked his eyebrow and grinned. "Surprise me."

"E-Eh??!!" The blond sputtered, now extremely confused.

"Hehe" Muhyo was already on his way to the table he sat at last time.

The wards on the ceiling fluttered in the breeze created by the black cape cutting through the air. The leaves that licked the chairs and the windows moved along in the air as well; still looking more teal than green due to the cloudy dark early morning sky outside.

Muhyo took his same seat at that table, looking out the window dripping with raindrops. He watched them connect together and race to the bottom of the window.

Then his eyes focused on the Candy Shop across the street. A sad and faraway look took place permanently on his face, and Muhyo sank into the table to better hide his expression from whoever might have caught it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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