chapter one

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My marriage with my wife of 3 years was going well we had everything we needed a good-paying job, house, cars you could say we were well off we were not short of anything.

we were married for five years. The first year of our marriage was like any other arranged marriage. We hated each other. We had other people that we loved but in the we came to love each other.

other than the ups and downs of the first year of our marriage things were going we had our honeymoon which was a first-class trip to pairs to spend one week at the Le Royal Monceau the room service was great we had no distractions great sex when I mean great I mean great when had sex in the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and balcony.

out of all the thing that we did laying in her arms was the best feel having her arms rap around me and her giving small kisses her and their I miss those days when we were in love when it was us against the world.

but as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Why did I say that, you ask? I have a feel that she is cheating on me well and a feel for a fact I know she is cheating she always come late hours in the night and get call in the middle of the nights too look i know she is busy and all but when I ask her to do things with me she don't want I ask her to go on a date to eat lunch together it like I'm asking her for the world.

is it too much to ask my wife to spend time with me ? Another reason I think she is cheating? I found man underwear in our bedroom that is not mine. I don't wear those expensive brands.

 hey, my people, i am updating my old chapters to make them longer. The next change, i don't know when, but it is going to happen. i hope this is somewhat better.

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