Chapter 7

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Hey yalll so this is gonna be griffins pov after dropping billy off at his house!
Griffins POV
we get to Billy's house and he starts to get out of the car. I feel kinda sad because I wanted to hang out with billy more but I guess I will have to wait till I get another chance..He gets out of the car and I wave goodbye to him and I tell him to have a good day he doesn't really say anything back or wave back but he smiles at me..that one same beautiful smile..I don't know what happened but he turns around rather quickly and walks to his door..'maybe I was staring to long and he thought it was awkward' I think to myself..but I push the thoughts back not tryin to have a bad day. As I'm driving away from Billy's and going back to my own I start to think about what happened last night...
3rd person POV from the night before
"Come on billy..I know your tired but your staying at my place." Billy started slow walking as we finally made our way to my front door. I unlocked it and showed billy the way to my room so he could get some sleep..and if I'm being honest with myself he looked kinda cute all sleepy likes this..I was kinda staring at him for while until I snapped out my trance realizing that I need to get some rest as well so I got changed into some comfortable clothes and turned the light off before heading into bed. But I didn't go to bed just yet..I couldn't I was pretty much just up staring at the wall. I think having billy here kinda tensed me up,so i decided I should turn around just look at him for minute..but he wasn't doing much he was just sleeping and he looked so peaceful and calm. I turned the other way around thinking I started to stare for to long even though no one else was there to see..about a couple minutes later I'm still up I don't know what it is I just can't I was thinking about ways that might help I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind..and my face immediately goes red and I turn around to see that he is somewhat still asleep? Billy pulled me closer with with his arms and I don't know if he knew exactly what he was doing?! So now I was cuddling or hugging? I don't know! But it was with billy and it was embarrassing but I kinda liked it? At the same time..and I guess it helped me fall asleep cause after that I was pretty much dead asleep not thinking about the bed morning..
But when I woke up I was still in the same exact position as I was last night and I was no at all surprised but glad billy wasn't I slowly started to leave his arms and the bed and just get ready and wait for him to wake up.
Present time..
Griffins POV
I couldn't get last night out of my mind..I couldn't get over the fact that I was in the same bed with him and then he cuddled me?! And if I'm being honest it didn't really feel wrong or bad it felt nice...his arms where nice and warm and I was comfortable with it all I even fell asleep like that. But I'm pretty sure billy didn't remember due to the fact it wasn't brought up at all this morning or on the drive to his house..and I decided that I don't think I wanna bring it up..I'm scared billy might not be happy that I let it happen and he might be grossed out or something..! I don't know exactly but I'm gonna keep this one to myself I don't think I wanna tell fear of billy some how finding out.
*time skip he gets home*
I know I should've cleaned up the mess from this morning's cooking and eating but I'm to stuck in my own head right now to even care about it. And as soon as I got home I when straight to my bedroom. I took my shoes off and just decided I would sleep all my problems away since I had the day off...
Surprised? I am!
(757 words)

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