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Abhimanyu grew up in the city of harmony, Dwaraka, with the coolest set of guardians. There's his mother, who in spite of being overprotective, is really bad at denying him anything. There's his Uncle Balaram, who is strict and a little grumpy at times, but thinks he's an angel. And then there's his Uncle Madhav, who acts more his nephew's age and never wants to deny him any mischief. (Psst: He even helps)

Abhimanyu grew up hearing stories of his father, who has been sent on exile with his brothers and wife by his evil cousins. In his head, his father is the most competent warrior and the most amazing person in the universe. His mother teases that's because most of the stories have come from Uncle Madhav, his father's best friend.

Nevertheless, it is Abhimanyu's life's motto: to make Father proud of him.

So if ever a situation arises on the battlefield where he has a chance to live up to being Gandivadhari Arjun's son, he would do it. Even if it is a suicide mission. Even if he has to go inside a chakravyuh with half-knowledge.

To make his father proud, Abhimanyu would do anything.


A/N: Abhi is my Arjun's son and my Madhav's nephew, and right after the two of them, my third favourite character of Mahabharata. So here goes the long-due story.

The story of Abhimanyu.

To make Father proud: The Tale of AbhimanyuWhere stories live. Discover now