|| Interesting.. Home? ||

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Y/N steps inside the kitsune mask's home, shivering in her timbers and all.
The first thing that caught her eye is that it was.. weirdly cozy, she thought it'd be more blank and empty cause of the rumors she's heard of this guy.

Y/N: It looks.. nice. Oh and the smell! It smells so nice here, like roses and vanilla combined, damn what scents do you use bro give me some of that like??

???: Glad you like it, strange traveler. And I uh.. use no scents, I just have a lot of roses lying around my house, see them? And the vanilla smell is cause I just opened a bottle of it to put it in the food I was making.

Y/N: that's.. really cool actually I'm gonna steal your idea and place a bunch of flowers around my house when I get home too.

???: Aww, matching houses! Kinda, thats cute.

Y/N: what no I don't wanna have matching houses with you stupid 😡🤬 whatever change of plan I'm keeping nice smelling plants not flowers.

???: Whatever you say, tell me which flowers, or plants.. you're gonna get. ;) Anyway, take a seat, on the couch, chair, wherever you want. I'll make something for us cause like.. gotta treat my guests well right? Especially on times like this like come on man you're freezing.. I BET YOUR TOES ARE CURLING UP TRYING TO SURVIVE MAN.

Y/N: wtf no they're n oh nvm yeah they are

???: well in that case, sit on the couch! I'll grab a blanket for you, you'll get warm in no time.

Y/N: yeah no thanks weird ass

Y/N sits on a chair at the table, not wanting to do anything kitsune mask wants her to do.

???: Well you're stubborn, aren't you? Not my fault if you get hypothermia..

Y/N: I'm not going to get hypothermia dude it's pretty warm in here without a blanket so I'll be fine.

???: blah blah blah.

He chuckles, and hands over the food to Y/N.

???: This'll make you feel better, trust me.

Y/N: It's poisoned isn't it

???: Little extra ingredient? yes. Poisoned? no.

Y/N: Idk man you take a bite first of this specific part, I'll choo choo it into your mouth.

???: what does bro mean by that


???: wtf

Y/N stuffs a spoon of food in Kitsune mask's mouth, testing to see if the food isn't poisoned

???: just ate it, still alive, didn't taste weird, tasted pretty good if I do say so myself. Nothing to be scared about.

Y/N: oh damn ok huaghhhhnommm

???: what are you doing.. 😨


???: oh, ok then. If that's how you do it, you do you!

Y/N: yeah it is how I do it so shut up HUAGHHOMNOMNOMONOMOMOM

Y/N: yeah it is how I do it so shut up HUAGHHOMNOMNOMONOMOMOM

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Y/N eating rn like an alpha boss💪💪💪💪

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