|| Farewell.. for Today ||

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(yeah im switching up my style of writing just cause I just read a really good fanfic, so what? Also did I mention Y/N was a traveler?? Probably uh anyway)


Gasping for air, I awoke. I quickly inspected my surroundings, for I've forgotten where I was for a brief moment. I felt unwell, nauseous, dizzy even. "I should've seen it coming." I mumbled to myself, having the thoughts that Kabuki, did in fact put something weird in the food.

I sat up, listening for any signs Kabuki was here.
No one was home.

"That dim witted stupid ass kitsune mask." I said to myself groaning. I struggled to stand up, I felt so fragile.. yet I wouldn't let my guard down, for it is obvious this man cannot be trusted. I grabbed my handy dandy sword, prepared for when he might come home.

As I stumbled across the floor to the front door, still feeling dizzy as ever, I begin smelling something unusual behind one of the doors, I couldn't comprehend what that smell was.. it was a nice, but strange scent. I thought to myself; "Given Kabuki did something to my food making me feel this way, it would only be fair if I could get just a peak at what's behind this strange smelling door." That being said.. I opened it.

It was ice cold in said room, there were a bunch of packages with name tags on them everywhere. There was a key on the other side of the door.. I assumed Kabuki must've forgotten to lock it.


Just seeing this room was not enough for me, I NEEDED to take a glance of what was in those packages. So I walked over to one of the many packages, opened one up, and then I saw it.


I slowly drifted back, falling to the ground, trying to fathom what the hell I just saw. I began getting even more nauseous, I started gagging even. "Were the rumors true??? Does he sell organs for a living?? IS HE GOING TO DO THIS TO ME WHEN HE GETS BACK??" All these thoughts were rushing through my head, I couldn't even think straight, My world was fading. I wanted to tear up.

Panicking, I quickly caught a grasp of reality again, I picked myself up and rushed to the front door. As I wanted to open it I was greeted with a familiar, but now terrifying mask.

"Ah.. traveler! I got some leaves that are good to put in te-.. you.. seem shaken, are you alright?"

My heart dropped for one split second. "Get away from me you absolute sicko." Is all I could say, I was trembling, still trying to take in what I just saw.

"What's.. wrong? Did I do something to upset you?... ohh.. you didn't go into that room, did you?"

"So the rumors were true.. huh Kabuki? You really are disgusting." I say, trying to hide the fact I was absolutely petrified. "You poisoned my food, you sell organs, and you probably want mine too."

"Well.. the organ selling part is true I must admit. Although I am ashamed that you think that I, out of all people, would do such a thing as poison your food."

"Oh so it's just normal for me to get one hell of a dream where you're literally shirtless??"

Kabuki tilted his head and looked lost for words at a split moment, but that look quickly broke into a silly grin. "I like experimenting, so I put some type of special liquor in your food to see what would happen, but geez traveler.. didn't know you were like that.. wanting to see me shirtless and all." He says, teasingly.

I was terrified, but also getting irritated. "Just leave me alone." I said, as I brushed past Kabuki, not wanting to engage in this "conversation" any longer.

"Farewell, traveler. I enjoyed your company while it lasted." Was the last thing I heard from him.


On that day at least.

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