Chapter 1

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(Shuichis Pov)

7 AM

i woke up in my bed, feeling exhausted as always. but i sucked it up and went over to change into my work uniform.

i decided to go to work early, i walked outside and saw my work partner, Kokichi Ouma, waiting for me.

"Finally! ive been waiting for 30 minutes!" he yelled and looked at me with a "seriously?" face.

"jeez saihara, why do you take so damn long?" he growled at me. "You just have a lot of energy, Ouma" i said while trying not to sound annoyed.

"Anyway!~" Ouma said in the most high pitched annoying ass voice. "Someone got murdered again" Ouma said while pulling out some paper from his bag. "take a look" He passed me some paper.

"This.... is a tissue with blood on it" i sighed and handed it back to him. "Oops! looks like i lied! there hasnt been a new murder in over a week" he yelled and let out a little giggle. "anyway, why dont we just head to work and do nothing?" Ouma said while deep in his thoughts. i decided to ignore him and just walk there.

Time skip

i was sitting on my computer writing a report on our last case. I looked up and saw my colleaque, kokichi, being chased by my other colleaque, Miu iruma. Kokichi ran over to me, with Iruma still running after him. Kokichi hid behind me. "Aaah! Iruma is gonna kill me!~" he cried out. "You little bitch!" Iruma yelled and threw the water bottle she had in her hand, aiming for kokichi.

*Bonk* kokichi dodged, and the bottle hit me right in the face. "Ow!" i yelled while looking pissed at kokichi. "Oops!~" he said and giggled.

"Kokichi, im about to fucking kill you" i said trying to hold in my anger. Kokichi gulped, and slowly backed away. i sighed and continued with my work.

"wow, you scared him off, great job saihara!" Miu said and walked away. Kokichi came back a few minutes later, acting more annoying then ever. he giggled and wrapped his arm around me.

"aww what are you working on?~" he said and fell and hit his head on the edge of the table. "Are you okay?" i asked him. "Saihara, why do you have two heads?" he said while looking so dizzy and sick.

"Drunk again?" i asked him and tried to help him up. "No!~ *hic*" he yelled. "Kokichi, how about you just go home?" i said while trying to get him to sit down on a chair. "Saihara!~ Could i please stay with you? *hic*" he said and giggled a bit.

my boss came in and saw Kokichi drunk laughing his ass off for no reason. "OUMA! STOP GETTING DRUNK AT WORK!" he yelled, and kokichi completely ignored him. "ah, boss, ill take him home" i nervously said and grabbed kokichis arm.

Running straight out of that building. "H-hey! Saihara!~ Where are you taking me?!" Kokichi yelled and stopped. "Kokichi, you're drunk as fuck" i growled at him. "where do you live?" i asked and looked at him.

he tried to stand up, but then fell right into my arms again. "heh, i dont remember~" he said and dug his face into my shirt. "i guess i have no choice" i mumbled quietly. i picked kokichi up, bridal style, and decided to walk home to my own place.

(Time skip)

2:50 PM

we're in my room, kokichi completely out of it, laying on my bed. me sitting by my computer, working on my report again. i turned around to look, and kokichi was sitting on my bed, staring at me.

"I-is something wrong?" i hesitantly asked him. "...." he didnt respond and just turned his head to the window beside the bed. i decided to get up and sit beside him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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