Chapter two: A devilish scheme..

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We then travel far down to inkwell hell, where the devil hides deep within the city, taking peoples souls which he needs to power such a place. But there's more to him than it seems...

*The devil is in a secluded office filing some paperwork*

Devil: UGH! I've been doing this for HOURS! When will this stupid paperwork be done with?

Henchmen: D'uh, boss? You got a phone call!

*the devil looks up from his desk surprised at first, but relieved to see henchmen*

Devil: Why thank you henchmen! Be a dear and bring the phone to me?

*henchmen brings the phone to the devil placing it on his desk and going back into..whatever he was doing*

*the devil answers the phone*

Devil: What do you need this time...stickler..

Stickler, sick in bed speaks on the other side of the line: It appears that the demons you killed months ago were important assets into keeping hell sustainable mmmmmmmm.

Devil: I told you I have it UNDER CONTROL.

Stickler: well you better do something..or else you will be FORCED to pass down the pitchfork to someone else...I mean..if you can't get ONE cups soul..can you really rule hell?

*the devil drops the phone, shocked about what he just heard*

*the devil falls to the floor on his knees and begins to weep*

*Henchmen walks back into the room after hearing all the ruckus*

Henchmen: D'aaw..boss why are you on the floor? What's the matter?

Devil: I-I'm losing myself henchmen..if I can't get one lousy cups soul then..maybe I'm not worthy enough to be the devil..

Henchmen: Boss, don't be ridiculous, you are THE devil! You are MORE than worthy, and I know if you really set your mind to it, you can get his soul. I believe in you boss. You'll always be least to me.

*the devil looks up at henchmen and smiles*

Devil: thank you henchmen..And maybe you are right. I just have to get a little..creative!

Henchmen: that's the spirit! You can do this! And I'll help you!

*the devil sits back in this sling chair and starts to plot his next move*

Devil: Alright then henchmen..stickler said since I killed the most powerful demons it's "decreasing stability" whatever that bloodsucker said, so I'll need to be replacing them if I need more souls..and I HAVE wanted those cups souls for a while so..maybe I can do two things at once..

*the devils eyes light up as he gets a horrible, cruel, simply deplorable idea*

Devil: henchmen..find the location of that cup and his dear brother..I think I have a plan.

*he says while grinning widely and sinisterly*

Henchmen: Right away boss!!

Devil: Yes..this shall work out very nicely indeed.

*henchmen is now in hells camera room, he spots chalice and the cupbros in the car, zooming down the street at an..incredible speed*

*the devil walks in the room and looks at the camera, the expression on his face almost..pitiful?*

*the devil zooms in on chalice driving the car*

Devil: Well well well! What have we here? That chalice is with them? Maybe I can finally get rid of her, AND those cups once..AND FOR ALL!

What is the devil planning? Well we have to wait and see for that. But it's something so evil, so vile, so MALICIOUS, SO...devilish..

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