File #8

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The more Izuku pondered it, the odder it seemed; the events of his life leading up to everything. How he'd started out as average as they come and wound up as the youngest law student in all of Tokyo. Yet, what puzzled him more than anything, was how normal it all seemed to him. Every step he'd taken was direct and meticulously planned.

Surviving on his own was the easy part. Shortly after his mother's death he was able to collect her life insurance whilst the inheritance was sorted out. His first major decision was moving into a cheaper apartment. As much as he loved his childhood home, he had no reason to pay for excess rooms he didn't need. Plus, the notion of waking up each morning, all but a few feet from the incident, didn't sit right.

The hard part had been his schooling. Sure, Izuku liked to pride himself on his academic prowess, but figuring out how to wiggle his way into advanced classes was a nightmare and a half. He had been thirteen at the time and didn't know too much about the school system. It had never cared to be interested in him, so he never gave it much thought either. He must have spent a good month or so digging into any loophole he could find.

His efforts were far from being in vain. Izuku discovered that grade levels were merely based on a credit count. Each class was given an assignment amount and after a student had so many credits, they could graduate. Naturally, he used this to his advantage and opted for independent schooling. Without the busy work and nonsense of a traditional class, Izuku found himself being able to fly through course after course. For just about the first time in his life he not only had a goal, but he was enjoying the process.

He had figured out a few months in that he could be taking college classes on top of his highschool courses. Getting himself enrolled took a few emails that were borderline harassment, but it all worked out. Eventually, he had finished highschool in less than a year and already had  a spot at a well established university. Him still attending his hometown middle school was just to keep talk at bay.

Everything had been synchronised and put into play like a game of chess. All up until the day he landed that internship. The rarity of the circumstances had thrown Naomasa through the loop and in effect, done the same to Izuku. For once, he had no knowledge of what could or would come.

There's a lovely quote about the hands of fate that would define his situation perfectly, but Izuku was drawing a blank. Forgive his mind for being more preoccupied over the Chief of Police's latest orders.

Naomasa had said something, but Izuku must have missed it. The detective turned to him, a hard look in his eyes. Only for his expression to soften when he was met with silence. Izuku pushed away the last of his thoughts, blinking a few times to clear his mind.

"Tsuragamae sir, I don't mean to question your choices, but do you really think this is a wise decision? I have barely any practical experience as it is, but field work is absolutely foreign to me. There has to be other men for this who are more capable, aren't there?"

The chief leaned back into his chair and looked at Izuku like he grew a second head, maybe even a third. "Midoriya, that's precisely what makes you perfect for this." He opened a few drawers before finding the one he was satisfied with. Pulling out a large file he continued on, "Even the best of our underground guys would be noticeable under a trained eye. After all those years in training, habits tend to stay. They walk like cops, talk like cops, breathe like cops. Well, that one might be a stretch, but you get what I mean. Not to mention, you're the perfect age for this." He pressed the envelope onto the desk, sliding it towards Izuku, "You've already proven you can handle yourself, that villain you caught was more dangerous than this"

Naomasa rose from the chair with unnecessary force. The chief was going to say something else, but Naomasa didn't give him the chance. "That incident could hardly be classified as any sort of proper engagement. Sending Izuku into something of this calibre so early is preposterous."

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