Could it be??

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It was early morning the next day, Tuesday. Adler was dying to know who posted those pictures of her and Naomi. Adler quickly opened her door and dashed down the hallway making it to her brothers room. she knocked quickly and then swung the door open.Robbie's room was a huge mess. His walls were painted black with posters all over his walls, his drum set was in the corner, where he was practicing with his headphones on. "Get out of my room!" Robbie shouted as he took his headphones off. "I wanna ask you something!" Adler said. "It's important!" Adler added. "What do you want." Robbie scoffed. "Do you still know those hacking techniques from when dad sent you to that codeing camp?" Adler asked eagerly. "Yes why?" Robbie asked. "Do you think you could help me with something?" Adler asked. "What is it?" Robbie asked. "I want you to see if you can connect this Tweeter account with any others." Adler said. "Why?" Robbie asked. "It's a long story please, please, please just do this for me." Adler begged. "Fine." Robbie reluctantly agreed. Robbie then went on his computer and pulled up the tweeter account. "Do you Have any thing you can narrow this person down?" Robbie asked. "I think it's someone who goes to Scpa if that helps." Adler suggested. "Alright." Robbie said as he pulled up his hacking software. "I'm hacking into the main frame right now, obviously this person didn't do any precautions to make sure people don't find out who they are, idiot." Robbie said chuckling to himself. "Alright I think I figured it out" Robbie said as he clicked one final thing on his computer. "Who is it?" Adler impatiently asked. "According to my caculations this is the account of someone from Scpa I can most relate this account to." Robbie said as he turned his Laptop around for Adler to see. "I think it's Lucy." Robbie said. Adler was shocked and stared at the screen in silence. She had no idea how Lucy even go those photos but she didn't care she was filled With pure rage. Lucy starting dating Parker right after her and now she posted this? Adler had always saw Lucy as one of her best friends but now she seemed like her worst enemy. She had to do something about it. She knew what she had to do. "Hey?" Robbie said making Adler lose her thoughts. "You okay?" Robbie asked. "Perfectly fine." Adler said as she smiled she was going to make Lucy pay for what she did.
Lucy was in her room oblivious to everything. Thinking she had gotten away with everything. She brushed her hair at her vanity and hummed Lana dal Rey to herself. She made her silky black hair fancy and applied a coat of mascara before walking outside and hopped into Parkers car with him. "Hey babe!" Lucy said as she positioned herself in the passengers seat and gave Parker, a long but quick kiss. "Hey babe." Parker said as he began to pull out of the driveway. "I'm so glad you called me last night." Lucy said. "I was getting worried you were going to be toxic." Lucy added. "Yeah." Parker said uncomfortably. "That means I can do whatever I want with you now right!" Lucy said as she giggled to herself as if she was joking (she wasn't). Parker gave a slight uncanny smile to Lucy and then put his eyes back on the road. "It's so nice of you to drive me places Parker Adler was so stupid for ever letting you go." Lucy said. "You think so huh?" Parker said. "What the hell is that supposed to mean." Lucy said. "We're here!" Parker said brushing off Lucy's interrogation.
Adler was already sitting waiting outside of the school for Lucy, we're everybody waited before class. Lucy came out of the car with Parker and walked towards a bench to sit on before school. "Hey Lucy!" Adler yelled aggressively. "Wha- What?" Lucy said startled. "Care to explain why you posted that picture?" Adler asked as everyone turned there heads to listen to there conversation. "What picture?" Lucy said acting innocent. "Don't act stupid we all know the picture! The one of me making out with Naomi!" Adler shouted so everyone could hear. Now, everyone outside was invested in this. "I-I would never post something like that!." Lucy screamed. "I think it's wrong!" Lucy yelled. "Yeah right." Adler said. "Is it possible maybe your blaming me because your upset with yourself and need an outlet?" Lucy said. "Are you perhaps on any medication?" Lucy said. Adlers blood was boiling. "Eat shit!" Adler screamed as she balled her fist and punched Lucy to the ground. Everyone gasped at the sight of this and began to gossip and pull out there phones. "Ah!" Lucy screamed in a panic as she put her hand over her face. "Your crazy!" Lucy yelled as she began to pick herself up. "You haven't seen crazy yet!" Adler yelled as she lunged at Lucy and tackled her on the floor continued to punch her. Parker stood there frozen as people began to push towards each other to watch this go down. "World star!!!" Naser screamed as he pulled out his phone to record. Lucy tried to fight back but all she could mange was pulling Alders hair. "Just kiss already!" Ella stupidly yelled. Adler then took Lucy by the collar of her shirt and pulled her back up and then kicked her. She was about to slam her head into the ground when parker rushed up to them trying to pull Adler off of Lucy. "Stop it!" Parker screamed as Adler clawed through him to try and get back to Lucy. "What is wrong with you!" Lucy yelled through her tears distressed and panicked. Adler then kicked parker to get back to Lucy when 3 security guards came over to stop them. The kids scattered not wanting to get in trouble and went inside the school. Looks like Adler might have done some serious damage. What's gonna happen next?


Y/n x BraylenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang