Unknown World.

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You didn't know where you were, your head hurt and there was a man shaking you awake with three pokemon standing around him. You were on a beach, laying in the sand face first. Spitting out sand from your mouth, you stood up uneasily and looked around, noticing the man standing in front of you.

You heard the man speak, but only heard a the last bit of it. ". . .You gave me quite the shock, falling from the sky like that... But thank goodness, you seem unharmed!"

"Who are you..?" You ask.

"I'd like to ask you the same! I mean...you fell out of the SKY, you understand. Come now—who in the world does that?!" The man replied. "I must say, your clothing is...unusual. You wouldn't happen to have an acquaintance in these parts, would you?"

You shook your head, "I'm sorry, I don't."

"I see... You seem to be in a bit of a pickle. Might I offer some directions? Do you have somewhere around here you could stay?"

"Likely no, I'm not familiar with this place at all."

"So you don't know anyone here, and you don't even know where to spend the night... Well...this is a proper pickle indeed. Are you quite sure you'll be able to survive?"

"I don't think so, but I could try?" You offered.

"I see... Well, no gentleman would abandon a person in such need!"

"Oh my, I'd completely forgotten! I had just caught up to these three runaway Pokemon when you tumbled out of the sky... It's almost as if they knew you'd appear here! Ah, but do you even know what a Pokémon is?"

The question made you scoff. "Of course I do."

"My, that's a relief! Though you fell from the sky, it seems we have some common ground, eh? Yes, well, these three Pokemon belong to me, mysterious creatures that they are! Oh yes, and...what might your name be?"

"My name's Bayu."

"Oho! So you're called Bayu! That name has quite the ring to it! I imagine it must have some lovely meaning. Oh, but I do apologize! I haven't even introduced myself! My name is Laventon. I am something of a Pokemon Professor. That is to say, I'm a scholar seeking to deepen our understanding of Pokemon. Yes, Pokemon such as these three here, whi—" said Pokemon ran away from them when mentioned.

"Oh, blast and bother! My darling Pokémon! Why must you run from me again?! I'm terribly sorry, but do you think you could help me round them up? I beg you!"

You nod, "i'll help." And then the Professor ranted on about the three pokemon; Rowlet, Oshawatt and Cyndaquil, before giving you some pokeballs and you catch the pokemon for him. Not long after he thanked you, you heard beeping and found a weird phone in your pocket with the message Seek out all Pokemon. On the screen.

It seems the Professor noticed the phone, and mentioned it looks like it is trying to guid you. He brings you to a village, where you choose Cyndaquil to help you along the trial you were given, as you liked it's hot-headed nature.

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