violence and boba

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she had beautiful blue eyes, the kind that glowed with intelligence, and if you looked closely enough, (which you might not want to do, seeing that she was a demon), a smidgen of madness.

her name was ckratya, and she has brutally murdered thousands over her 107,370 year lifetime.

and today, i was taking her out for boba.

i was suspicious, so i brought a weapon -a us super fortress bomber- but it turned out i didn't need to worry.

she noticed i had it on a leash, and asked "is your pet a us super fortress? i thought you had a dog."

 "oh, i do,"i said. "this is my dog's spaceship". "oh, ok" she replied.

short time skip idk

she ordered a brown sugar milk tea and i ordered a lychee and rose tea. it turns out that i had to park my 'dog's spaceship' outside before i could enter.

it was quite difficult to find a place to park it, and when i asked the manager for help he said "what the fuck" and "get the fuck out of here"

i looked out the window for a bit and saw a dog walker looking very concerned about the manager's corpse, courtesy of ckratya.

for a second i was confused at why the manager was dead, but then i saw ckratya riding my 'dog's spaceship' like a dinosaur, then gave her a thumbs up and a "good job" 

 the dog walker fainted.

"how are you going to get rid of the bodies?" i said, and sat stunned -before joining her- as she started to consume the bodies.

and that was the end of our fabulous boba date.

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