Chapter 3:This world is full of accidents

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Arlo didn't wanna feel this way towards a girl he just met.This feeling is invalid he thinks.Nobody should feel this way towards anybody, especially if they don't know each other.Yet he couldn't name this condition.

"Hey dude you okay?"Blair texted by herself

"You messaged me?By yourself?Is this even real?"Said Arlo

"See for yourself funny guy "said Blair

"Why do you call me that? You don't even know me"Arlo was pissed.

"Calm your nerves dude.Im just kidding.Cant you tell?"Blair said

"Got you kiddo"

"This sucks"Arlo replied

Time passed like water flows through.Arlo started feeling odd and this unwanted feeling was not one sided.One way or other even Blair had to feel this way towards Arlo.But both of them were unaware and didn't give much importance.But something happened before that.Something that was out of control that is even all of a sudden and Arlo blocked Blair and didn't talk to her for more than a week.

After 2 days,Arlo had a dream.In that dream,he was chasing Blair.He ran and ran until he caught Blair from behind and started doing things to her.He saw themselves having sex in the woods like married couples.It was really explicit.His dream had no meaning at all for that moment to him.

"What the heck did I just see?I was doing it with her?How is this possible?Why did I see this out of all things?When did I start thinking about her?"

Arlo was shocked.He thought about it the whole day.That day was gone for.

It took Arlo another day just to realise he fell for her.

"I can't even hide that I have fallen for Blair.I have this thirst to knock her right now and tell everything I wanna tell her since the moment I fell for her"

Arlo didn't even wanna hide his feelings anymore.Sarah was not there anymore and Arlo had to see the truth.He had to face the thing he should have faced earlier.

Arlo unblocked Blair.He didn't even know if she would respond but he texted her.

"I'm extremely sorry Blair for what I did to you.But please forgive me.I had to tell you this.If you hate me you can block me now but I had to say what I just said.Bye.Hope you will understand"

Arlo was sad and hoping that Blair would forgive him.He really wanted to feel something for Blair.He really wanted to be with her.He fell for Blair and probably would fall again.

Blair replied after 7 hours.

"It's okay bro.I didn't mind.Bye"

Blair blocked Arlo.She really did block
him.This broke Arlo's heart.How and what should he do now?He doesn't know.He didn't wanna know either.

2 days passed like that.Arlo started to forget everything.Not started.He was forced to.Blair was vanishing from his tiny heart,the same heart that was scarred for Sarah.That night something unexpected happened.

In the evening,Arlo was eating snacks.Suddenly the notification triggered.

He couldn't believe his eyes.Its Blair.She texted.

"Funny guy forgot me didn't he?"


"Shut up Arlo I'm trying to focus"Arlo's mom replied.

"Sorry mom,I'm wheezing "said Arlo

Whatever,Arlo replied to Blair.

"It's not a problem.After what I did,I kinda deserved it didn't I?"Arlo smirked.

"Why'd you do that me Arlo?That's not fair"

"I didn't wanna but I don't know why I did.Look I'm sorry okay?"

"No make it up to me"

"Make it up to you?"

"Just kidding monkey man,who are you to make it up to me lol"

"What does that mean?"

"You're at it again ooooof"

They continued their conversation till night.Arlo went to sleep.He tried to concentrate and sleep but he couldn't.

"Blair,what are you?Why do I like you this much?Is this illegal?I think it is"

Blair was thinking about Arlo too.She couldn't forget him.Everything they did together.
"Arlo,why do I like you this much?I can't forget about you,I think I love you Arlo.I love you so much man"

A few days later,things escalated.Arlo and Blair became good friends.Best friends actually.This was the best thing for a while.Suddenly Arlo messaged Sarah out of the blue.

"Hey Sarah, how's life?"

"Why did you text me?Didn't we break up?"

"Yes.But don't think I'm sad because of it."

"Of course not.I ain't either dude"

"What does that mean?You are supposed to be sad and think about me.I did think about you you know?"

"I see"

"What did you do all these days?"

"After you left me,I tried not to give it much thought.I went out with my friends,I had fun.No regrets."

Arlo was undoubtedly angry upon hearing it.How can she do this to him.Even though they are not together anymore doesn't mean she could do whatever she wants.Or could she?

"Are you fucking Kidding me Sarah?You were supposed to think about me what the actual fuck"

"We weren't together anymore.And why should I if you're not my boyfriend?"

This hurt Arlo.So badly.It wounded him.He couldn't speak.

"Not even for our memories?"


"You'd find another guy if you could now?You wouldn't even bulge yourself?"

"Yeah isn't that normal?

Arlo couldn't take this anymore.

"Bye Sarah"

"Wait up Arlo didn't you find someone new?"

"Yeah her name is Blair.Wanna see her photos?"Arlo sent her photos of Blair.

"You're gonna ruin her I have to warn her"

"The hell are you talking about?Don't ruin this for me.We are good friends"

Sarah didn't reply.She probably knocked Blair about this.

Arlo informed Blair earlier.He told her not to fall for Sarah's words.She had the intention to destroy everything between Arlo and Blair.

"Hey,I am Arlo's ex.You are Blair right?"

"Yeah.You wanna say something?"

"Listen,Arlo is a bad guy.Dont be with him"


"He did injustice to me and he is not a good guy.Maybe he plays with other girls"

"Can we not talk about this?"

"But listen girl..."

"Please.Just leave"

"Okay if you say so"

Eventually, Sarah failed to do so.She gave up and left the thing right there.

Many days passed.Arlo and Blair couldn't become together.Its because Arlo knew he couldn't forget Sarah.He had a strong connection with her.He actually loved Sarah.He would never be able to love Blair so it's better not to involve her into this.So he left everything right there.Ending things with Blair.

That's how tragic Arlos life became.

To be continued...

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