The Twins' Birth (Fluff)

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This oneshot is about the birth of my Werewolf x Cherry Blossom fankids!

CW: Depictions of childbirth, please read at your own risk!

Characters Featured: Werewolf Cookie, Cherry Blossom Cookie, Mango Cookie, Pancake Cookie, Cherry Cookie, and Shy Lady Cookie and Puppy Treat Cookie (my OCs/fankids)

I hope you guys enjoy the story!

Also thanks to my friend for the beginning few sentences!

Cherry Blossom Cookie sat next to her husband, Werewolf Cookie, with a smile. Right next to her was her dear sister, Cherry Cookie. Her adopted sons, Mango and Pancake Cookie sat with her. They prepared for a nice picnic together. Cherry Blossom smiles as she feels a kick from one of her twins, even if the kick was somewhat strong due to the twins' werewolf heritage. Cherry Blossom was happy to have this picnic with her loved ones, especially considering that she's been having a hard time getting places due to her being pregnant with twins. Her smile faded however when she felt a pain in her lower back and stomach. Cherry Blossom grabs her stomach as she starts feeling contractions.

Werewolf looks over at Cherry Blossom, a look of concern on his face as he notices his wife grabbing her stomach. "Are you ok, Blossom?" Werewolf asks, concern evident in his voice. Before she could answer however, she felt a liquid rush down her legs, which catches her off guard. Werewolf's eyes go wide as he realizes what was happening. Cherry Blossom starts panting as she feels the pain of the contractions go through her body as Werewolf picks her up carefully and tells Cherry, Mango, and Pancake to follow him as they take Cherry Blossom to the hospital.

As soon as they got to the hospital, Cherry Blossom was taken to a room, Werewolf following behind. The doctor checks to see how dilated she was before telling her to push during her next contraction. As soon as Cherry Blossom feels a contraction, she starts pushing, crying out in pain as she holds Werewolf's hand tightly. Eventually the sounds of a baby crying can be heard, which causes Cherry Blossom to sigh in relief before feeling another contraction, causing the pink haired woman to pant. The doctor quickly cuts the umbilical cord off the first baby and hands them to a nurse to clean them up as the doctor goes to help with the second twin.

After more pushing and cries of pain from Cherry Blossom, which breaks Werewolf's heart to hear his mate in pain, the sounds of another baby can be heard. Cherry Blossom pants, tearing up slightly as she hears the cries. "Congratulations, it's two healthy girls!" the doctor says as they cut the second umbilical cord and hands the second twin to a nurse to clean her off as well. After both twins are cleaned off, the nurse hands one of the twins to Cherry Blossom and the other to Werewolf. Werewolf looks at the two newborns being held by him and his wife in awe, a few tears in his eyes.

"They're perfect," Werewolf says with a small smile, tears in his eyes. "Aren't they?" Cherry Blossom asks, tears in her eyes as well. Both of the twins open their eyes and look up at their parents, both of them smiling and cooing, causing Werewolf and Cherry Blossom to let out 'awwwws' and cry tears of joy. "What should we name them?" Werewolf asks his wife, who takes a moment to think. "How about Puppy Treat Cookie and Shy Lady Cookie?" Cherry Blossom suggests, to which Werewolf smiles lovingly.

"That's perfect," Werewolf says to the suggestions. Eventually Cherry, Mango, and Pancake come into the room to see the twins, the three of them walking over next to Cherry Blossom's bed, looking at the two babies in awe. "These are our sisters?" Mango asks, to which Werewolf nods in confirmation. "They're so cute!" Pancake says excitedly, a huge smile on his face for being a big brother, Cherry nodding in agreement, a huge smile on her face as well for becoming an aunt again. Cherry Blossom tears up again with a huge smile on her face at seeing her little sister and her adoptive sons so happy about this.
I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot, and I hope you guys have a great day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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