John POV 2

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As John watched Max and Chloe disappear into the vortex, he felt a pang of guilt and sadness. He had grown to like them and didn't want to see them suffer the same fate as so many others who had tried to tamper with time.

But John had a job to do, and he couldn't let his personal feelings interfere with his duty. He activated his holographic device and began to upload all the realities that Max had created. He knew that Astrid would be pleased with the information he had gathered, but he also knew that it wouldn't be enough to save him from her wrath if he didn't find Max and Chloe soon.

Just as he finished the upload, John's communicator beeped. It was Astrid, and she was not happy. "John, where are they?" she demanded.

"I'm still tracking them, Commander," John replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Well, you'd better find them soon, or I'll have no choice but to decommission you," Astrid threatened. "I won't tolerate failure on this mission."

John knew that Astrid wasn't bluffing. He had seen too many of his fellow time enforcers meet a grisly end for disobeying her orders. He also knew that he couldn't let Max and Chloe suffer the same fate.

He had a plan.

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