Chapter 1

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"What's with all...this?" Angel Dust said, gesturing his hands towards the fancy decor that Charlie had added. Husk responded with a sigh, before speaking. 

"She wants a quote on quote, 'Fancier look', so now we are stuck with this." He said through sips of booze, he ended his statement by placing his bottle on the counter. It landed with a ring.

"Well, toots didn't have to do that, but I guess she can do whatevar she wants." Angel dust replied, before standing up from the stool he was sitting at, and making his way towards the staircase. If he was being honest, Charlie was trying too hard. All this new decor hurt his eyes, and he decided to go upstairs to his room. He ran into Nifty on the way back. He exchanged a quick hello with the smaller demon, before she ran off with enthusiasm.

He shrugged to himself, before finally reaching his door and opening it. He was greeted with the dark abyss of his room. He chuckled when he heard an oink come from his bed, and walked inside his room. He shut the door with his foot and switched on the light, walking over to his bed and grabbing his pig. He held Fat Nuggets close, giggling like a child at the silliness of his pig.

He put fat nuggets down and walked over to his vanity. He was bored with his afternoon, and wanted something to do. He pulled out a makeup palled, at planned to match his eyeshadow with his outfit. He was wearing a purple crop top, with black leggings and his boots. He thought it was simple, but cute enough.

In the process of grabbing a makeup brush, he heard a knock at his door. He set the brush down and went over to the door, mumbling "Ever heard of peace and quiet." Before opening the door. He was met with Vaggie, of all demons.

"Well hello there, someone mess up something in the hotel? Because it wasn't me." He said with sarcasm, leaving the door open and walking back to his vanity. 

"You know exactly what you did Angel." She said, putting emphasis on his name.

"Do I, gosh, if only I could remember." He said, putting on his nice guy act, again with sarcasm. He knew what he was doing would Piss her off, and he was in the mood to piss someone of. Those two things go hand in hand.

"Go down and clean it, or so help me god I well shove this spear up your ass." She said, threading him with the spear she held in her hand

"Hm, Kinky." He said, earring a low grunt in response. He stood up, before saying "Fine" to her and heading out her door. Vaggie, being satisfied, followed him, still pointing the spear. Angel was lead downstairs by her spear and out the front of the hotel, where there lay a drawing of a poorly drawn Dick. He laughed upon seeing it, before noticing the cleaning supplies on the ground already and got to work. Even though he was disrespectful, he wouldn't refuse to fix something he caused if he could. 


After it was all done and gone, Angel wiped the sweat of his forehead with one arm, before picking up the cleaning supplied and heading back inside. He walked to the supply closet, placing the stuff inside and turning around it leave. He turned and began walking, only to run straight into the radio demon himself.

"What the Fuck!"

"Dear Satan!"

The both yelled their own responses, before fate fell upon Angela do he was the one to end up falling. He braved himself to fall, but instead felt and warm hand around his waist. He opened his eyes and gazed into the Radio Demons eyes. The stayed in that position for about 20 seconds, both in shock, staring into each other's eyes. Angel was the one to break that, by laughing awkwardly and pushing Alastors chest away. This caused him to snap out of his trance, and he pulled his hand away from Angels waist.

"Gee, thanks. I appreciate the help!" Angel Dust said, smiling and tilting his head to the left to lighten the mood. Alastor responded with a quick laugh and a shake of his head in a joking matter, before strolling off to lord knows where.

Angel stayed there, outside the Supply closet, dumbfounded. He replayed the moment in his head. Staring into Alastors eyes. The had an effect on him. He couldn't explain it though. There was only one pair of eyes who could do that to him. Trap him in an effect. One that left him in a daze.

Now I guess there was two.

Angel Dust collected himself, before steadying his heartbeat and continued back to his room. He tried to forget the moment he was so recently just replaying in his mind, but it wouldn't go away.

Even after angel went into his room.

Even after he sat down at his vanity, where he bag an the process of taking off his makeup instead of putting on new makeup, because it was quite late.

Even after he got ready for bed, and even while he was laying in his bed. He tossed and turned, trying to fall Asleep. The only thing that met him when his eyes closed, were Al's eyes staring back at him.

He groaned in annoyance, before ultimately decided to just stare at the ceiling for the night.


I honestly have a lot in mind for this story, so please stick with me while I write it! 

Words: 921

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