Chapter 2

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Angel blinked a couple times, his eyes dazed and in a blur. He rolled over and checked the clock, 4:21, he groaned in annoyance and sat up. He stared around his room, his eyes eventually landing on his brush before he swung his legs out of bed and towards his vanity. He sat down, turning on the Vanity light, and grabbing his brush. He began to brush his fur, taking his time, as there was no need to rush. He stared at the mirror, and back at himself. His gaze flicked between the mirror and himself before his eyes caught on something in the bathroom.

He turned his body to face it, and when his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw it. Pills. Angels eyes immediately flicked away, trying to let his curiosity die, but I wouldn't. So, he got up and walked to the bathroom.

Turning on the light and setting down his brush, he picked up the pills. They were painkillers. He was confused as to why they were here, he wasn't in any pain. Nor had he even bought these.

His eyes flicked to the trash can, but his mind told otherwise.

Just take one.

Don't let it go to waste.

No one will know.

They were put here for a reason

Angel sighed, before averting his gaze back to the bottle and unscrewing the lid. He dumped some out, and tried to focus on just one. But there was a plentiful amount. Angel felt beads of sweat forming. He had been so good! Why would he ruin it now!?

He shut his eyes, and brought his elbows to the counter, his hands rested in his hair. He sighed, before straightening his posture and picking up a pill. He examined it, before putting it in his mouth. It rested against his tongue, before Angel swallowed it. He stared at his reflection, regretting what he had done. He put the pills back in the bottle, screwed the lid shut, and proceeded to throw the bottle against the ground. Why!? Had been doing great at being clean!?

It was hard to admit, but Angel was actually interested slightly in redemption. Was it worth ruining it for one pill?

Angel felt a single tear forming in his eye, and he let in spill, falling to the ground and picking up the bottle. He rest on his knees holding the bottle. He opened a drawer under his sink, and chucked it in, before standing up. He walked to his vanity before turning off the lights. He didn't even realize slamming down the bottle had awoken Fat Nuggets.

Angel crawled into his bed, going into fetal position and let his body ease up. He told himself it would be fine. No one knew. It was just one. Just one. Just one. Just one.

His thoughts paused suddenly when he heard creaking in the hallway, someone was awake.

Panic arose in him I'm immediately. Did they hear the bottle slam? Who's out there? Angel slowly got up, walking to the door and grabbed the door handle. He let out a sigh before opening the door, and immediately being thrown off. He stepped backwards in panic. Alastor stood outside his door, his hand up ready to knock.

Alastor was also thrown off by this.


To answer the question, yes he heard the bottle slam. He decided to go check it out. He walked into the hallway a bit after hearing the noise, and his memory determined the noise came from Angel Dusts room. Alastor, being the gentleman he was, decided to go see if Angel was alright. Surly, if he was dead again he couldn't be redeemed.

Alastor chuckled at the thought of Angel being dead, wouldn't that be quite the predicament?

He stepped on a creaky panel on the way to Angels room, he brushed it off though, it was just one. Finally he was in-front of Angel Dust rooms. He brought his hand up the knock, then, to his surprise, the door opened.

Alastor was shocked at the sudden movement and stepped back, eyes-brows raised. The last thing he expected was to have the door open first. He saw Angel do the same thing, they were both apparently startled.

Alastor collected himself, and was about to speak when again, Angel did so first.

"What the hell are ya here for buster!" He said, whisper screaming as to not wake anybody up. Alastor was annoyed by the rudeness that this conversation started off with, and stepped into Angels room uninvited, turning on the lights and shutting the door. Fat nuggets head perked up, already being awake, but the light confused him. Angel stood dazed by the sudden flood of light, blinking like a deer in headlights.

"I suppose I am here due to the fact that there was a slightly loud slam coming from the area, and I took it upon myself to check it out." Alastor said, fixing his posture.

Angel raised an eyebrow at this response, hiding that fact that he was panicking because Alastor was very persistent.

"Well, you're not welcome here, so goodbye." Angels Dust said, gesturing to the door.

"Oh, I don't think so, why don't you tell me what that noise was."Alastor said, a wider grin spreading across his face as he saw the look of uncomfortableness on Angels face. Angel shuffled from his feet, his body shrinking down slightly.

"I- uh- I don't think I should tell you that." Angel replied, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead as he averted eye contact.

"Well, isn't that rude of you." Alastor said taking a step forwards and towards the bathroom. He happened to have an experience with people dropping stuff that was dangerous in the bathroom. Or just stuff dangerous in the bathroom. It was the way his lover had died, but no one needed to know that.

Angels emotion switched to anger. He was annoyed at the fact Alastor thought he could barge in and just snoop. Also to the fact that Angel couldn't remember where he put the bottle. If Alastor knew he took a pill, even one, he was sure he was done. Lately, everything had been more strict. Charlie was going on a rampage, wanting everything to be perfect, and thus would take anger out on any of her few patrons that did something wrong.

While in his thought, Alastor was shuffled all the way to the bathroom door. Angel dust snapped back to thought, and quickly turned to the bathroom right as Alastor was opening it.

"WAIT." Angel yelled, not caring about anyone else in the hotel. He rushed to the door, but not in time to see Alastor walk inside. Alastor flicked on the light, examine every detail of the room. He had no concern for privacy.

Angel dust had not reached the door frame, and his mind immediately remembered that he threw the bottle under the sink. He sighed internally, but Alastor's head had snapped towards him.

Alastor pulled him up against a wall, trapping him. "What dropped." He spat, unaware to the position they were in.

Angel dust was blushing profusely and stammering, trying to make out a response.

"I- um- you see- ha- It was the brush!" He said after a while, finally making something up. Alastor's eyes turned to the brush that Angel dust had previously set on the counter.

Alastor dropped his arms, and stepped back. Angel was pressed against the wall, trying to find his balance again.

"Very well then, I suppose I bid you adieu." Alastor said, proceeding to walk away as if nothing happened. He shut the door to Angel Dusts room, leaving Angel to slump against the wall, wondering what the hell just happened. His heart rate was out of control, and his eyes couldn't maintain focus.

"Why did he care so much?"


Alastor walked down the hall, mumbling to himself as he let his smile drop. His shadow followed behind, worried.

Alastor opened his bedroom door quietly, looking upon his dark and red room. He stepped in and shut the door, turning on a lamp light and hanging his jacket on a coat rack. He was actually surprised as to why no one came out at Angels scream of 'Wait'. Alastor himself was trying to stead his heart rates as thoughts traveled through his head.

"I can't let it happen to someone again."


Words: 1371

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