chapter 3

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Vicky woke up with a snort. She heard talking and frowned and started to head upstairs.

The kids kept eating and then they heard footsteps. "Vicky!" they all cried.

Tootie and Gabrielle quickly went to Gabby's bedroom, shut out the lights and climbed into their respective bed and guest cot and Timmy turned out his light and pulled his bed covers over him and snored quickly to look as though he were actually sleeping. 

Vicky looked into both rooms and scowled slightly, but went back downstairs. "I must be hearing things..." she mutters.

As soon as Vicky was back downstairs, the kids met back together.

"So nice that Timmy gets all the girls." Cosmo said jokingly, even if Timmy was only with Tootie and his little sister.

Vicky went to the sofa again and watched TV again. Wanda smiled slightly. Timmy then decided to get a game out so they could have a good night together instead of suffering. Wanda watched them and looked at Cosmo.

The next morning Vicky woke up and got the kids up early too. "Get ready for your schools, twerps." she says grumpily.

The kids groaned and got ready for school until they would go on vacation.

Cosmo poofed to Timmy's desk with Wanda as he left to brush his teeth and use the bathroom. "Hey, Wanda, Timmy forgot to do his homework again!"

Wanda looked at the empty sheet of paper. She sighed "Well with Vicky, I don't blame him..." she says and then did it for him.

"Wanda, isn't this cheating?" Cosmo had shifty eyes.

"He'll get into trouble if he doesn't... And anyway it's for Bleu, so she'll know." Wanda says softly.

"Good point." Cosmo shrugged.

Wanda smiled and soon it was done.

Vicky forced herself to be nice enough to make them some toast for breakfast, she knew she'd lose good money if they stopped her from babysitting. The kids came downstairs for a quick breakfast, then they'd grab their things and go to school after. They all murmured morning greetings and ate their food, at least it was edible, but they were mostly full from their special, surprise dinner last night. 

"You better enjoy that, twerps, before you go to school." Vicky says harshly.

Gabrielle whimpered at her toast. Timmy noticed this and cut the crusts off for her and put some honey butter on the bread with a smile. Vicky went to get a drink of milk. Bleu got up and made herself look neat and tidy and headed off towards the school.

The kids went to gather their things for school. Timmy came in his room and packed his backpack and took the paper he was supposed to do his homework on, but didn't notice anything, but kept it in his bag, not even looking at it.

Wanda looked at Timmy and then Cosmo. "Shall we turn into new kids?" she asks her husband.

"Hurry up, brats." Vicky tells them.

Bleu went quickly to the school. The cake she had baked was in a box that she was carrying.

"If it's okay with the fairy code, it's fine by me!" Cosmo beamed, then took out his wand with Wanda to turn into new transfer students in Dimmsdale Elementary School.

The kids came out. Tootie and Timmy went to the bus stop while Vicky would have to drive Gabrielle to her school. Wanda grinned and then turned into a kid Timmy's age. Cosmo did the same. They also had a hair bow and a hat to fit with the kid feel and even wore matching clothes, only pink and green. Cosmo then walked with Wanda to the bus stop, but he felt a little slow, forgetting how slow poke walking seemed compared to flying and floating.

Vicky took Gabrielle to school in her car. She frowned slightly, but did it without being overly nasty.

"School, school, school!" Gabrielle sang in her car seat, clutching a doll she chose to take with her.

Vicky tried to tune her out, not able to shout in public.

Wanda didn't let the fact walking was slower. Timmy and Tootie looked over to see the 'strange new kids'.

"Hi, you must be new around here!" Tootie greeted.

"Yeah, new, that's it..." Cosmo panted.

"I'm Winnie." Wanda says, making up a name so no one could ever know they were Timmy's 'fish'.

"And I'm..." Cosmo tried to think of a name. "I'm.... uhhh...." he looked all around to see signs with possible name suggestions. There was a bus coming from the streets with a Chip Skylark ad. He then turned to see Mr. Bickles from the school drama department with Ryan McCain merchandise, being a big fan of the movies. He also saw another kid with a 'vote for Mason' sticker on his jacket. "Ezekiel!" Cosmo finally said with a smile.

"Hi Winnie and Ezekiel!" Tootie greeted. "This is my boyfriend, Timmy!"

"I'm not your boyfriend..." Timmy murmured.

'Winnie' giggled. "That's nice." she says and smiled sweetly.

Timmy sighed and rolled his eyes. "Well, welcome to Dimmsdale. Luckily Mr. Crocker still won't be in class today."

Tootie stopped paying attention to everything and started to text her friends about new students coming to school.

"Thanks, Timmy," 'Winnie' says with a smile. She looked at 'Ezekiel'. "This is going to be good, right?" she asks him.

"I guess going back to school won't be so bad... I remember when we went to high school together..." 'Ezekiel' said quietly to her, recollecting his fairy days as a student. "The most troublesome 10 years of my life... But you were there with me."

Wanda looked at him a moment remembering that exact time. She let out her breath in a sigh and then gave him a smile. Bleu checked Crocker's lesson plan for the week again and nodded. This wasn't a great lesson plan, but she'd be able to make the lessons fun for them. Cosmo smiled back at her. The school bus came eventually and the four 'kids' all boarded together and took their seats together. Winnie sat next to Tootie on the bus to allow Timmy to get a little peace from the girl. She chatted about normal girl things.

Tootie smiled and talked with Winnie. There was a real charm to this girl. "So, where did you move here from?"

"Oh, quite a ways away..." 'Winnie' tells the girl, not able to think of a name for where she had 'lived'.

"Well, I really hope you grow to like Dimmsdale, it can be pretty nice at times." Tootie said with a friendly smile.

"Thanks!" 'Winnie' says cheerfully, smiling at the girl.

"Of course," Tootie smiled. "I hope we can be good friends, Winnie."

The bus stopped to pick up Trixie Tang, which delighted Timmy.

"I hope so too." 'Winnie' says, thinking that they may stay at least for the week at school.

"What grade are you in?" Tootie asked, hoping they would have class together.

"I'm in the fifth grade." 'Winnie' says.

"Oh, I'm in fourth grade, maybe we can meet at lunch." Tootie offered.

'Winnie' nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that." she says with a smile.

Bleu started to greet the first of the students that arrived. Tootie smiled as the bus stopped briefly and went to the school. Timmy beamed once he saw Trixie Tang board next. 'Winnie' shook Tootie's hand gently, unsure exactly of how to act completely human like a child. Tootie smiled and looked out the window as they were getting to school. 'Winnie' looked out of the window too.

Soon enough the bus pulled up to Dimmsdale Elementary and the kids rushed inside to get to class. Tootie went to her floor while Timmy was going upstairs with 'Winnie' and 'Ezekiel'. Trixie snubbed them and quickly went to her friends, Veronica, Tad, and Chad. 'Winnie' followed Timmy, along with 'Ezekiel'. 

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