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*warning this chapter contains some violence and mention of death (plus description of blood)*
also guys i can't write fight scenes so i apologize deeply

jisung began to fight back against the chokehold he was held in
though struggling under the older's hold, he had one free hand

he managed to land a swift punch or two on the other's un-masked jaw before once again having both arms pressed against the cold, hard wall

at least he could breathe better now

the older quickly kneed jisung in the stomach, causing him to fold in reflex, letting out a previously held breath. in retaliation, while standing back up completely, jisung stepped harshly onto the other's foot with the heel of his own, and he attempted to wiggle his way out of the grip he was in.

both of them were making sure they were paying plenty of attention to the other and their attacks or possible moves either could make

there was a moment of breath filled quiet before chaos broke through.

surprisingly, minho let go of his grip on the man, quickly gliding through the air away from his stance in front of jisung as fists came quick at him

jisung had built up anger and annoyance that he was more than ready to let out, and this time he didn't have to worry about 'hero' consequences like he normally would

he was tired of this man, the "Reaper," whatever the hell that was supposed to mean

every time jisung threw any sort of attack, punching, kicking, anything, it was blocked or dodged.

every. single. time.

of course this only made jisung more mad, no matter how much stamina and power he was losing.

he eventually backed the into the opposite wall from where he was first stuck.

how the tables turn, he thought to himself.

with one last punch, minho grabbed the younger's left fist, holding it in place in the air as his back was flat against the hard wall.

his face held a serious expression, that anyone else would only be able to see from his exposed lips.

jisung stared up into where he expected the man's eyes to be, his own filled with a fire.

"look this isn't going anywhere"

minho broke the silence while rolling his eyes

"and frankly, you're getting boring. so the real decision to make,"

he leaned his head forward to be level with the other's, mere inches away once again,

"is whether or not i just leave, or i kill you" he tilted his head as if it was a hard question to answer

all jisung did, really all he could do at the moment, was stare. not acknowledging the lack of struggle from his opponent, nor his own once again racing heart.

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