Guard Your Heart: A Poem About Friendship

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A/N: Like the title says this is a poem about friendship. It is written in two points of view. One is written is the present time and the other (in bold) from the past. Alright, hope this makes sense. 

We're told to guard our heart. I always figured I would have to guard mine from some romantic interest that is nothing but a disaster waiting to happen. It turns out I should have been guarding my heart against the one person I trusted with everything. I should have guarded my heart against my best friend.

We're friends and not just any kind of friends. No, we're the best kind. The kind that are together so much you think of them as one person. The kind that don't have to talk to understand each other. The kind that drop everything for each other, no matter what.

I let you climb over my walls and enter the chamber of my heart. I spilled everything to you, no secret was too dark or too hidden. You know everything about me. I was too trusting.

We never fight, our friendship is too strong for anything to break this bond. Sure we don't see eye to eye on everything, but we state our opinions and move on not wanting to harm our friendship.

I thought nothing would come between us. Turns out we were on a fault line all along, one shake away from separation. Today was our first and last fight. The fault line got that shake it needed tearing us apart.

We meet each other halfway. We make sure we give and take. We are always there for each other. We are the only thing the other needs when they're upset.

The gap that's between us could be fixed with a bridge. In order for the bridge to be built, we would have to meet each other halfway. I guess too many bridges have been burned.

We are such great friends. I can't imagine my life without you. Every time I picture my future there you are right beside me. I don't know what I would do if we weren't friends. It is too hard to even imagine.

You've left my chamber. You stole the gold from my heart, leaving it crumbling and a broken mess. My walls are now higher than ever. My chamber is locked up tight.

Now when someone says guard your heart, I know who I really need to guard it against.

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