Those Moments

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A/N: This is a short poem that I wrote when I was in high school. I was at that stage in my life when I was trying to find my voice and who I was but I had so many people trying to tell me that I had to fit into some mold, or what to do, or what voice I should have, etc and this poem is about that written in moments that happen in everyday life.  

You know those moments when you find yourself doing your saying something and then you hear your brain scream at you to stop, but it is delayed just enough the words flow from your mouth or your body is moving like you have no control. 

Then you hit that moment where

A. You start babbling apologies you didn't even know existed.
B. The only thing you want to be is invisible
C. You are already running out the door.

These moments are stuff like asking a lady if she is pregnant only to see the look of horror on her face. 

Or dropping a realistic, fake baby doll in Walmart.... several times.. only to yell out something stupid like don't worry she's fine. 

Or perhaps the most terrible is speaking your mind when the world won't listen. 

The audience is a tough crowd where they call your feelings attention grabs or better yet downgrade you to some naive girl, who doesn't know what she wants.

They are right I don't know what I want. What choice do I want to choose?

A. Do I want to start babbling apologies that I didn't know exist? I apologize for my thoughts and that they weren't to your liking. Please forgive me for trying to give myself a voice.
B. Do I want to be invisible? Scurry off the stage like a mouse and hope that I can become as small as one too.
C.  Do I look back as I am already running to the door? Running away from my problems.

Perhaps why I don't know what I want is because I don't want anything that is being served to me. Perhaps I want to be the chef myself where I get to make the rules and not choose from a, b, or c.

You know those moments what will you choose?

Life Uninterrupted: A Collection of Poems and Short StoriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang