Chapter 1 ; Two weeks?

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~ Author's note :
Finally! I've finished the first chapter of this book! I'm so excited about it and I'm so happy you guys already can't wait to read this book! So thank you so much xx

Lots of love , Valery <3

Vilu's POV :
AI woke up and the first thing I did was looking at my phone to see if I had some messages and to see what the time is. Ugh.. , 9.00 , too early for the weekend. I've heard some noises from down stairs , probably Olga and Ramallo fighting. I got up and put my hair in a bun. I've walked down stairs in my pajamas ( media ) , but no one was in the living room or the kitchen. Weird , but okay. I walked to the fridge in the kitchen to get some juice. There was still a glass from yesterday in it , so I took it. I took a sip while I was closing the door of the fridge when I suddenly saw a face right next to me. "Leon!!!" I screamed while spitting my drink in his face. "Damn girl , didn't thought my face was that scary , most of the girls like it , but yeah you're not a normal girl." He said while getting a towel to dry his face. "Okay , I wanted to apologize for spitting in your face , but now I'm not going to do that anymore." I said. "Oh , yes you are!" He said looking at me with the oh so famous 'I'm going to tickle you' look. I already runned away to the living room , but then I fell over the couch. He sat on me and was first saying : "What did you wanted to say?" "That you're ugly" I said already laughing. Then he started to tickle me but then I surrendered. "Okay okay , I'm sorry!!" I couldn't stop laughing.

At that moment we heard a cough : "Uhum , I don't want to interrupt this , but I just wanted to say that I'm going to Paris for two weeks for a business trip and Olga and Ramallo are going to come with me , so I was wondering if you two will survive it together , otherwise I will ask Angie to stay here." We stand up and said at the same time : "No no no , we will survive it together ofcourse!" "I mean she feels like a sister to me and I will protect her and we will have a great time right Vilu?" He said with a painful kinda face. He gave me a little punch. I really didn't know what he meant but than I knew what he was doing and I just smiled and shaked yes with my head. "Okay , have a great time together and I left money for you for food and stuff. Bye!" Then my dad left with Olga and Ramallo. The first thing I thought was : Okay , I already have to live with a pig and now I have to live alone with a pig?! But I said it out loud.. "Hey I'm not a pig!" He said while holding two bowls with cereal , one plate with bacon and eggs , another plate with 6 pancakes and 2 muffins and 1 big cup filled with chocolate milk. Okay calm down Violetta , tomorrow there's school and he won't be here and you will be here studying at home okay calm down... But at that moment Leon burped in my face. "Oops sorry." He said while walking away. Ohmygod how am I going to survive this?!

~ Author's note :

Hi guys , sorry but I couldn't wait to publish the first chapter so I've just got my iPad and started writing. But it's 4.30 in the morning here so the first chapter is not very fun and very short.. So I'm really sorry for that! But tomorrow morning I will update the second chapter! I hope you already liked this chapter so tell me what who you think?

Lots of love , Valery <3

Ps. I wanted to ask two things !
1: do you guys want me to write like i did with the first chapter or with more space between the sentences? please tell me ! x
2: if you guys have any cool ideas , just send me a message or a comment and maybe I'll put your idea in my book xx

~ Hope you guys will like this book <3

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