Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


Taylor stood backstage in the school's auditorium, her stomach twisting itself into painful knots.

"Thank you, Jimmy!" Mrs. Nash, the secretary, was playing emcee for the day. The school year was almost over, and part of the festivities was the annual talent show.

"You should sign up!" Karlie had insisted. And in a moment of bravado, Taylor had agreed.

Now, she was terrified.

"And now, welcome senior Taylor Swift, who will perform an original song!"

Taylor walked out on the stage to a smattering of bored applause. She stepped up to the microphone, adjusting the stand to accommodate her height.

She looked out over the crowd, at the faces of her classmates. She swallowed hard, and then she said, "Hi. I'm Taylor."

From her seat near the front, Karlie let out a loud whoop. She knew it was dumb, but she couldn't help herself. Taylor's eyes latched onto hers, and her whole demeanor changed. She went from being a nervous girl in a sparkly dress, clutching her guitar a little too tightly, to the relaxed girl that she was around Karlie.

"This is a song I wrote for a friend of mine," Taylor said, her voice stronger now. "It's called 'Mean.'"

Taylor didn't say her name, but Karlie knew that the song was for her. No, not for her alone. For them. Taylor sang all the things she had been thinking for years, but all the daydreams and the anger and the determination into words.

Someday I'll be living in a big old city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean

This was what made Taylor's songs so special, Karlie thought. She said what she was feeling, sure, but she could tap into what others were feeling, too, and put them into just the right words.

Where was Charles? Karlie glanced around the auditorium, finally locating him loitering by the door with some guys from the football team. He let out a loud guffaw and shoved one of the other guys. He wasn't even paying attention to Taylor.

Karlie snapped her attention back to the stage, where Taylor was shining brighter than the sequins shimmering on the full skirt of her dress, brighter than the hot stage lights. How could anyone ignore Taylor?

She finished her song and executed an adorable little curtsy. As Mrs. Nash came back onstage to announce the next act, Karlie knew what she had to do.

Taylor left the backstage area and walked out into the hallway. Her face was flushed and she felt like she had just gotten off a rollercoaster.


Karlie rushed up to her, beaming.

"Karlie! What are you doing?"

"You were amazing out there," Karlie said. "I just wanted to tell you that."

She reached out and pulled Taylor close for just a second, but before her lips touched Taylor's, she was jerked abruptly back.


Charles had appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Karlie from behind. How he had her facing him, his hands fisted in the collar of her T-shirt. Karlie pulled at his hands, but couldn't break his grip.

"Let me go!" she shouted.

"I thought I told you to stay away from my girlfriend." Charles growled the words more than said them, his voice scary quiet, full of malice.

"Charles!" Taylor yelled. "Stop it!"

Charles paid no attention, focusing only on Karlie. She twisted and turned, trying to get free.

"I warned you," Charles said. "I told you if you didn't stay away from her, I would make you."

Taylor watched, helpless. The side hall wasn't visisble from the auditorium, and everyone was focused on the talent show. No one knew what was happening. She wanted to run and get someone who could help, but what would Charles do if she left him alone with Karlie?

She had to do something.

"Charles!" She rushed to him, pounding on his back. Her light blows glanced off of his muscled shoulders, harmless as butterflies.

"Let me handle this, Taylor," he said, never taking his eyes off Karlie.

"Charles!" Taylor continued her futile barrage. "Please! Please let her go!"

"I said leave it!"

And then Charles did let Karlie go. He whirled around and pushed Taylor away roughly. Either he underestimated his strength or just didn't care if he hurt her, because Taylor lost her balance and went sprawling to the floor. Charles stood over her, his fists clenched.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Karlie screamed, lunging for Charles.

"I'll do whatever I want!"

And then everything turned to chaos as Taylor watched. Everything was a blur of images, each of them more horrible and surreal. Charles swinging his fist into Karlie's jaw. Blood on Karlie's face. Karlie tackling Charles, knocking him into the wall. Charles punching Karlie again. Karlie on the ground. Charles drawing back to kick Karlie.

There was a noise Taylor didn't recognize. Later, she was told, it was her, screaming.

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