Beloved Lan

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"Master", called the man bowing in front of person, who was back facing him, clothes black, Chenqing in his hand, red ribbon tied up in his hair perfectly

The person was quite admiring the moon, and just replied as "hmm" without taking his eyes off from the beautiful glowing moon

"Master, we found him" spoke the man still bowing in pure respect, the person hearing this then turned to face the latter, who looked up feeling his master now facing him

"Where is he?" uttered Weiying staring at the latter's face coldly

"We have kept him outside Master" answered him

"What did he said Wen Ning" Said Weiying and played with his Chenqing rolling it with his fingers

"The old man said, he had seen a same person with same face like your Lan gonza" replied Wen Ning with little joy in his voice, Weiying's lips form a little smile, as his heart flutters thinking that finally he have found second birth Lanzhan and now he won't let him go anywhere away from him, never.

"Good job" Weiying said and started walking out of his mansion

There he met with an old man about 60 years old, he walked towards him, seeing The Grandmaster of Demons, The old man quickly bowed with respect, Weiying came in front of him and stood there

"Are you sure, is it the same Lanzhan?" asked Weiying eyeing the man, who nodded quickly

"Yes Master, I saw the same person" answered him with pure honesty, which Weiying nodded in approval

"Where" asked or it was more like demanding tone from Weiying, which The old man answered, "Southern"

Weiying eyed suspicious at the old man as he said, "If I find him there, I'll gift you a grand present and if I find it fake, I'll kill you" Said him coldly smirking at the last line

Hearing this the old man shivered in fear and uttered, "how can I lie to you Master" he said and scratched his nape uncomfortably smiling

"You better not" said the fearless leader of Demons, with very stern tone, which the old man quickly nodded, after again bowing he left from there

"What to do now gunza?" questioned Wen Ning coming towards him, who looked at him and replied, "Let's go southern find him"

"When master?" asked Wen Ning

"Now" replied the latter sternly and without waiting a second for respond he moved out from there, leaving Wen Ning alone, who quickly followed his gonza from behind

Wen Ning made the horse ready and with some military, on that night they made their way to their destination towards Southern China

After 12 days of travelling, finally they arrived on southern China, Wuxian's goal in here was only finding his beloved LanZhan, make him his bride and bringing him back to Yiling, he needs nothing more in his life

Now he knows that he can't do same mistakes and ended up loosing Wangji, now he'll love and cherish him with his whole life

"Now where gonza?" asked WenNing glancing at his gonza

"48 strongholds" answered Weiying staring at the map which was in his hand

"Does Lan-er-gonza lives there?"

"Yes, the old man said that"

WenNing nodded and didn't said anything, soon Wei Wuxian kept the map putting it on his chest cloth, he signalled his horse to move, as his horse started moving, WenNing and the soldiers followed him from behind

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