Bring him back

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"W-who is he?", Xie Yun asked turning towards Wei Wuxian with meaningful gaze, "My beautiful doll", the other male answered with so much affection staring continuously at the beautiful unconscious person laying on the bed, Xie Yun's breath hitched, he slowly and hesitantly make his way towards the lifeless body, Wuxian walked behind him and sat beside Lanzhan

"Meet him..he's Lanzhan", Wuxian spoke taking the white hand of the lifeless body, Yun just observed his face and glanced up at the Yiling Patriarch, "How is this possible..", he uttered staring back at the beautiful face of Lanzhan as he continued, "This face is mine", Wei Wuxian looked up at the confused and terrified Xie Yun, who kept his eyes focused on the Beautiful lan's death body

"I'm also confused by the fact that why, Lanzhan and you've same faces..but to tell you thr truth you're actually the second birth of his, his soul is within you", Yiling Patriarch said with a confidence in him, "No..this can't be, if his soul was within me then, I..I would have come finding you at first..but, I love Fei instead so it's not possible", Xie Yun glanced up at WeiYing who was not liking what he said and burst out his anger saying, "Where is his soul then!? Do you know how much I tried to bring him back!? Why is he not listening to me!?", Wuxian hanged his head low, he burst out in tears sobbing softly, " h-he not listening to me..w-why is he s-still angry with me", Wuxian voiced out very helplessly, like asking Xie Yun the reason, who was stiff by the sudden cry of Yiling patriarch, he for the first time saw this man crying..who would even imagine the Great Grandmaster of Demon cultivation crying helplessly for the boy who's already laying lifelessly for 16 seems to Wuxian that when Xie Yun said he doesn't love him, instead he loves Fei..Yiling patriarch's heart broke into pieces, he seems to see that Xie Yun is NOT his lanzhan..he is just a body which look alike his beautiful lan

"B-bring him back..for me", Wuxian uttered after sometime of calming down, his voice was sounding very depressed like this is the only hope left now for to bring his Lanzhan back, "How can I even bring him back?", Xie Yun asked disbelief of what the other just uttered, "Just do as I say and I'll release your Piercing Green", Yiling patriarch gazed up at the younger male who looked shocked hearing what he offered just now, "W-what?", Xie Yun uttered slightly whispering as not able to believe the words

"Yes..I can do that, but only on one condition and that is bring him back..I can give you the life if you'll give him the life", Wei Wuxian said holding his Lanzhan's cold hand and rubbing it with his palms, "I don't believe you Yiling patriarch", Yun voiced out but instead his heart was telling to trust the older in front of him, "I never lie", thr other declared sternly still rubbing the cold palm of the death body, "Okay..but I do not trust you", Xie Yun again spoke releasing his breath, "...I never break the promise, and even not when it comes to Lanzhan", The older male looked up at the boy, who eyed suspiciously at the latter first but then, he fold his arms and looked at other side as if he is already knows how the older loves that beautiful Lan and can never lie for him

"When? To bring him back?"

Wuxian jerked up in excitement and happiness, he smiled widely as the younger accepted his offer, "You just need to find his soul and talk with Lanzhan's soul, I'll do all the rituals so don't worry, rest assured", he spoke giving his bunny like smile to the younger who just nodded his head after hearing everything, "But first..can you tell me, how he died?", the sudden question made Wuxian to look at him with very depressed eyes and fear, the beautiful smile faded away in second and brought up a very unhappy colourless face which was never seen by anything or anyone, "hey s-sorry, but I've to know the reason first and then only I can talk to his soul nicely", Xie Yun voiced out when felt a tensed moment, Wuxian hanged his head low and sat down on the bed, he slowly told each and every thing what happened in the past to Xie Yun who listened everything with his sharp ears and gave a concern look to the body laying down, he felt very bad for Lan Wangji when heard everything from the past

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