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A/n: Hamon is not a quirk, but it is classified as one anyways and Deku has Hamon and OFA only because Hamon isnt powerful enough to be No.1 hero Material, I mean its top ten but not No.1 on its own. Also this AU is different, UA is College, some heroes are stronger then canon, Izuku is technically quirkless cause Hamon isn't a quirk and the Midoriya Family is technically the Joestar Family so they are kind of rich but not bad rich, they are generous souls and give money to charities and quirkless fundraisers. And for the Fuck of it, I made him just like Joseph so get ready for some Hot-headed humor.

Name: Izuku Midoriya

Age: 13(Before Training) - 18(Post Training)

Height: 5'2" - 6'5"


Before Training

Before Training

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After Training

(This but with green eyes)

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(This but with green eyes)

Personality: To the people close to him, he is a kind, honorable, loyal person and trustworthy friend. However he is a hotheaded, impetuous, and confrontational young man to other people he either doesn't like or to people that are not close to him. Quick to violently respond to the slightest provocation, Izuku would often get into brawls growing up(mostly with Bully's);  He can also be a goofball in a serious situation by fooling around and joking about stuff when he doesn't need to.

Skills: Skilled Hand to Hand combatant, Skilled tactitioner, Clacker Volleys , Excellent bluffer and predictioner and High Intelligence.

Powers/Quirks: Hamon, Hermit Purple and OFA.

Moves for now:



Overdrive, Smash!

Overdrive, Smash, Beatdown!

Rebuff Overdrive, Smash!

Hurricane Overdrive, Smash!

Hamon Detection.

Zoom Smash!

Sendo, Kick, Smash!

Vine Whip, Smash!

Vine Entanglement, Smash!

Ultimate move:

1,000,000%, United World, Sunlight Smash, Overdrive! (Maximum Power Beatdown for 30 seconds shouting ORA!)

Secret Ultimate Trump Card Technique:

Ship:IzukuXRumi. Why? 

Because deku is OP and Rumi respects strength, also Izuku and her will most likely get angry a eachother for the simplest of things...It'll be interesting to say the least.

I decided to make this info a little more simple because I wanted to describe his powers and moves as he goes along

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I decided to make this info a little more simple because I wanted to describe his powers and moves as he goes along. 

Also all the chapters will be named after old songs so...ya.

Peace ✌

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