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Chapter Two:

I was woken up by my phones annoying alarm. I turned it off and sat up in bed, I sighed when I looked at the black suit hanging on my closet door. The day I had been dreading since the 'incident' that happened a couple of days ago, had arrived.

I got up and walked into the hallway, the smell of cooked bacon overwhelmed me. While my parents had gone back to the army base, they had sent me to my aunts until I left for Ohio. My aunties name was Kiya, she was genuinely a nice lady when she's in a good mood, but if she's in a bad mood you'd really want to avoid her.

I walked into the kitchen to see her placing glass plates on the kitchen bar.

"Hey munchkin" she said in a soft, caring voice.

"Hey" I replied, stretching my arms out.

"Have a good sleep? I made some bacon"

"Yeah I did, and yeah I noticed" I said, smiling at her.

I sat down on the black, cushiony stool next to my auntie. Looking down at the food she made made me drool even more then I was from the smell. I grabbed my knife and fork and dug in, making a moaning sound from how good it tasted.

"I see you like it" she said while chuckling.

"Yes! It's so good! You should make all my meals" I said.

"Thank you, you know I could teach you how to cook one day"

"Nah, I'm good. I'll just get my next boyfriend do to it" I said, jokingly.

She laughed "okie dokie then kid"

My aunt was the only one who knew I was gay, she and I had a very strong relationship, so I had to tell her, and also she really couldn't give a shit who fell in love with who. Which I was grateful for, because I really needed to tell someone before I went insane.

I finished my food and put my plate in the sink. I gripped the bench as I thought about what would be happening in a couple of hours. Then my auntie walked over and placed her plate in the sink as well. She softly griped my arms and turned me around to make me face her. Except I still kept my head down, trying to avoid her eyes.

"Hey, look at me" she said and gently placed her hands on my face. I gave into her sweetness and eventually looked up, tears flooding my eyes.
"Yes, today's going to be hard, it will be for all of us. But he'd want you to be strong, and it's ok if you cry because all of us will be crying as well" she said.

By then I was hugging her, drenching her shirt in my tears. She was whispering 'it'll be ok' over and over again in my ear, until I finally stopped crying. I looked up, she wiped my tears away and gave a small smile.

"Ok" I said, my voice cracking slightly.

I pulled away from the hug and walked down the hall into the spare room. I slowly picked up the suit, inspecting it for about the 100th time since buying it. I sighed, putting it down on my bed and taking my clothes off. I looked up and down my broken body, cuts and bruises littered my arms and legs. "Great, that'll leave scars and they'll have a bad story behind them" I thought to myself. I put on the suit and my shoes, then I walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth quickly and fixed up my hair. I walked down the hallway and to the front door, I saw my auntie stood there in a beautiful, elegant black dress that went just below her knees. And her hair and make-up was just as amazing.

"You ready?" She asked. I kept quite and just nodded my head in reply.

We walked out the door and got in the car. My auntie placed the keys in the ignition, started it up and pulled out the drive way and drove down the empty street. "this is going to be the longest car ride of my entire life" I thought. I zoned out after a minute or two and just thought about all the memories my brother and I had together, like the time he and I skipped class and he took me to a trampoline place. That was fun, except we got into shit from our parent, but it was worth it.

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