The train

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A.N: hey sorry I uploaded this late. I had school and stuff to do. Excuse any errors coz I'm literally uploading this last minute at school. Enjoy.

Chapter three:

I opened my eyes and shot out of bed, sweat dripping down my body and fear shooting through me. I had a nightmare. A terrible one too. Flames where surrounding me, broken glass was cutting my skin and high pitched screaming was all I could hear. It was like hell, except this hell was my now long gone house. My breathing became heavy and I started to feel lightheaded, I needed to calm down I thought. I pulled the covers off of me and walked over to my jacket, slipping it on, along with my shoes. I quietly opened the door and walked down the hallway, obviously closing the door before I left.

The train rattled and bumped as I walked, letting my feet guide the way. I soon stopped and looked up to see where my feet had taken me. It was just a basic room with large windows, a couch and some chairs. Kinda like a lounge room. I sat down on the couch and looked out the window. The sky was a dark black, stars where shining and the moon had a particular glow to it, which made the ground and the trees illuminate. I took a deep breath, trying to relax my body from the nightmare I just had. I need to stop mourning over my brother and just forget about him I thought yeah...just forget. Forget everything. Fake a smile. Just fake and forget, Josh.

"Hey" my thoughts were interrupted by someone's voice. I looked over to see a young man in a trench-coat with scruffy dark brown hair and eyes that had a deep blue in them.

"I'm Castiel, but you can call me Cas" he said and stuck his hand out.

I shook his hand "hey, I'm Josh" his hands where warm and soft, except they where shaking a bit.

"Yo, you okay dude? You're a bit shaky" I asked.

"Yeah just...I have social anxiety and I-I just, I needed someone to talk to and you where just there a-and oh god I'm sorry, I'll just go" the words rushed out of his mouth, and he went to walk away but I quickly grabbed his arm.

"Hey dude, it's totally okay, I understand. There's no need to be scared." He turned around, but still looked down at the ground.

"Do you want to sit down and talk?" I asked with a soft voice, trying not to scare him. He nodded and walked over to a chair and sat down, I followed and sat down on the couch.

"Soo...what brings you out this late" I asked.

He was quite for a little bit but finally spoke up "my boyfr- my friend, he's a really loud snorer and I uh, thought I would just come and sit out here for a while"

I smiled, hearing what he was about to say before he corrected himself "you know I'm not homophobic. I'm actually gay myself"

He blushed and smiled "ok"

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Dean, Dean Winchester"

"What's he like?"

Cas paused for a second, trying to think of what to say "he's really nice, and his voice is really deep and sexy" he chuckled, his cheeks turning even more red. If that was even possible. "He likes to go hunting with his younger brother, sam."

"He sounds pretty cool" I said.

"He is"

By then it had gone quite, but it wasn't awkward. It was nice and relaxing. We where both looking out the window, the sky was turning a dark blue, and you could see little rays of sunlight. I hadn't realized how long we had been sitting and talking for.

I turned my attention to Cas "Hey do you know what the time is?"

He pulled his phone out and checked the screen "5:56"

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