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The young filly was terrified, packed in the cold, uncomfortable truck with about ten other horses, most of them ancient old nags, or injured horses. She pushed her nose through the gaps between the metal slate on the side of the truck and whinnied loudly, getting aggravated looks from the others. But she could see someone! She eagerly pressed her face to the gap, and tried to see if it was the truck driver, or someone coming to let her off. That someone was talking to the truck driver, indicating to the foal. The foal spotted this, and whinnied again, desperate to be let off. The person who was talking to the driver was talking vigorously, looking indignant. As the person turned to the truck again, the filly saw that it was a woman with dark hair. She gave the foal a look that said, hang on in there, little guy. Not long now. The foal was getting excited now, anticipating freedom. Finally, the driver looked defeated and walked up to the ramp. He unhooked it and lowered it, gesturing for the woman to go ahead. She unloaded the horses in between her and the foal, then grasped the foals' halter and leadrope. Smiling down at the eager little filly, she gently led the foal down the ramp. The other horses were loaded back on the truck, albeit reluctantly. The woman holding the foal fished around in her pockets and brought out her purse. She reached inside it, and handed a wad of what looked like paper to the foal, into the drivers waiting hands. The foal looked up into the kind woman's face as she looked down at the filly, both with adoring love all over their faces. The foal had no idea that if the woman hadn't been there, tomorrow the foal would be wrapped up in plastic, on the way to the supermarket, as dog food.

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