Chapter Four

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Tina rang Mum, asking if we were happy to come ride Toffee today. Naturally we shrieked "YES PLEASE!" so half an hour later, Emily was mounted on Toffee and was heading for a small cavaletti. Toffee lumbered over it ungainly, slowing to a walk.
"Toffee! What was that?" Em said, faking anger while suppressing a giggle. Toffee willingly turned around and neatly bunny hopped over the white pole.

"Thaat was better," Em says warmly, patting Toffee on the neck. She bursts into giggles. "She tries sooooo hard for us, don't you Toffee Poppy? Silly pony!"

We both erupt into a new bout of giggles.

"Future Grand Prix pony!" I almost fall off the fence from laughter.

"Yes yes yes! Wait, no, we could boost her height and get a height certificate for 14.3hh and then she could do full on Grand Prix!" Em is so excited she's flapping her hands and bobbing up and down. "She could so beat all the fancy horses imported from Germany!"

At this I really do fall off the fence. Em is laughing so hard at me, she slips off Toffee. She could have easily stayed on, but I think she was so weak with laughter she couldn't hold on.

She's still on the ground laughing. Yep, I was right. In the meantime, Toffee is wandering over to the gate to lean over it and eat. 

Future Grand Prix pony right there.


I'm watching Em, bemused. She's sitting on her bed, slouched up against the wall with earplugs shoved in her ears. She's also half-singing, half-humming along to her favourite song.

"Mmm just wannaa be part of mmmm symmm-mmm-meeeeee! EeeeeEEEEEEEEE!"

Might I add it's done hideously out of tune. She's not the greatest singer at the best of times.

"Um, Em? Em?" I cautiously tap her on the shoulder, stifling a giggle.

"Huh? What'd I do?" She sits bolt upright as if shocked, ripping an earplug out, staring around the room wildly. She relaxes when she sees me. 

Special child.

"You may have been singing? If you didn't realise?"

I wait for my words to sink in. Em hates singing in front of me, she's that self-conscious about her voice.

Cue panic.

"Omigodomigodomigod TELL ME YOU WEREN'T LISTENING AHHH crap crap crap crap nooooo I was just singing it in my head ohhh kill me now please..."

She's also prone to be a bit overdramatic at times. As you can see.

I just wait a bit, for her to gather her thoughts, and, you know, calm down a bit.

Nope, not gonna happen. She's not going to relax unless I do something.

"Uh, I could, um..." I search my thoughts for something she'd like. "I could do a drawing of you and Toffee, if you want?"

Hopefully that does the trick. She loves my watercolour pencil drawings, and it'll mean I stay out of her way.

"Ooh! Yes please! Could you do that photo of me hugging Toffee? Please?"


That worked much better than I thought it would. Mind you, I didn't take into account the fact that she has a smaller attention span than our cat, Claude. He frequently gets distracted by about 10 different things in the space of 5 seconds - no kidding. Maybe it's contagious, and that's why Claude turned out why he did, and because I'm her twin I have this immunity? Next up, on My Conspiracy Theories.


Sorry that it's such a short chapter, and that it's a filler, and that it's 100% pointless. I kinda feel like I need to update, but I literally never focus on this story. It's the harder one for me to do because the only chapter that I will be able to easily write (because it's the one I remember most, unfortunately) is the part where she gets sick, sicker, injured, then put down. Another unfortunate thing is that every time I try to think of another ride, I think of the ones that I've written about or the last one, where she's a bit off-colour and I fall off, and I'm wondering why she's so unenthusiastic. I wooooonder.

So anyway, my point is I just updated to let you guys know that I'm still trying to work on this. Even though this was supposed to be like a diary, where I wrote about every ride the night it happened. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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