Chapter 1

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Friday night. Richie Tozier's house. 7 losers, a shit ton of movies, and one little secret. Kept between boyfriends Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak. The sound of suspenseful music filled the room as the losers club watched the 4th movie of the night. Bill Denbrough and Stanley Uris were huddled close together on the couch, Beverly Marsh huddled her face into Ben Hanscom's chest, as he gently rubbed her auburn hair, Mike Hanlon was just watching as all of the others protected each other from the latest horror movie of 2022, and Richie and Eddie were cuddling closely, Eddie with his legs on Richie's lap and head on his shoulder as Richie stroked Eddie's arm.
The movie Smile was playing brightly on the TV screen, as a cry was heard. A simple cry that resulted in a sob, a sob that was muffled and quiet, but loud enough to faintly be heard. A glance was shared between Richie and Eddie. A glance that said "Oh shit."
"Does anyone hear a child? Like crying?" Mike said aloud. The losers all nodded with suspicious faces. "I'll go check on that, seeing as this is Mi casa." Richie responded, nervously standing. He walked to the basement quietly. As he turned the knob on the basement door, he very slowly inhaled. And then he walked down the stairs. "Joanna, what's the matter?"


Ok so the idea of this story came into my head when I was like 11, and I've been slowly drafting this ever since. Idk why, it just kinda stuck with me
Anywho I know it's not as good as some of my other stuff, but I promise more updates are coming on other stories soon. Luv ya🫶

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