Log #1

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I stumbled out of my quarters, still unknown to this type of terrain. My planet was smooth and glassy...this was rough and dirty. I hated this place.

"Jack! Jack! Come over here! Look!" A younger girl, #91017384837362627829, {Alaina} had grown close to me over the years. She was standing by a rushing liquid that stretched by Section 5, one of the sections of housing.

I gasped as Alaina dipped her hands in the liquid and smiled, eyes wide. "Alaina! No!" I raced there, still stumbling over the rocks, and pulled her back. "What would your guardian say?! We have no idea what this is."

She began to jump up and down, and her brown hair, set in braids, bounced on her shoulders. "I was reading some books, and I think this stuff is called water," she squealed. "Harmless, of course." Alaina added hastily. The young girl threw off her shoes and jumped into the "water". I recoiled when she splashed the liquid into me.

"No thanks," I said, smiling. "I'd rather keep my clothing clean." I threw my hands in my pockets as Alaina pouted and stuck her tongue out at me. "You'll understand why I feel this way when you are older."

Alaina rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, the screen in the middle of our section lit up. What could they want now?

"Malum has called for Sections 1, 2, and 3 to travel to headquarters. Do not panic. Travel in a single file and calmly."

Suddenly, as the message ended, my guardians rushed out of their quadrant with all of our belongings. They had worried looks on their faces. "We have no time," they mumbled to each other. "We must go." The woman hissed to the man, "We cannot just leave the young one here! He will surely be killed!"

The man nodded, then ran back over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Go to the cave with the carving. You've read the books. Take Alaina. Now run. Run as fast as you can!"

He ran back to the woman and pulled her along as she looked back at me worriedly. I could hear her fussing as I gripped Alaina's arm without question. Wait, I thought. What the hell are you doing? What did they mean? You can't just leave, I said, releasing an annoyed Alaina. But a Fura never denies orders. Order. Order. Order. I repeated it to myself in my head. This wasn't order. Leaving a planet wasn't order. I decided to grab Alaina's hand and run off through the water and into what seemed like a "forest."


I frowned.

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