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A/N- Didn't edit this chapter very much so I hope it's alright. Don't have the time to unfortunately and I just wanted get this out as soon as I could.


'No, no! You don't say it like that.' I groaned, falling back on the chair. It's been a week since I begun teaching Z my language and so far? It's gone no where.

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms while blowing a bubble from her gum. 'One more try, I know I'll get it right this time.' She opened her mouth to speak again but I shushed her.

'No. I'm done with this for today. We have things to do, Z.' I sighed, standing up to take my leave. I gave her one last glance before I walked myself over to the door.

'Come on, I'm sorry! I can't master a language within a week, it's impossible.' She complained, standing to follow me but was stopped with a whip from my tail, causing her to stumble back.

'Learn from Spider then, I'm used to quicker learners than you.' I rolled my eyes, taking my leave after that.

I took a breath from my mask as I begun making my way to the outside court, I knew Spider was going to be there so that's why I was going there. Spider was always fun to talk to, he always listened and made funny jokes. I truly enjoyed his company.

I began to hum, walking through the short empty hallways, occasionally having to slide to the left to avoid the sky people. Finally, I reached the doors that led outside, I already could hear Spider from here.

'Oh, hey Kiara!' Spider called out, noticing me straight away. I smiled, a purr escaping my throat as the boy approached me. He always greeted me with hugs and I of course loved them. Unfortunately, Spider wasn't the only one to have noticed me. Lyle of course was here too, playing his stupid sky demon activity.

'Kiara! You came just in time, come join us on the court!' He waved his arm at me, jogging over to greet me. I shook my head, replying with a disgusted look.

He chuckled. 'Come on, it'll be fun. I'll show you how to play!' Lyle reached over and grabbed a ball. I watched him dribble it before throwing it at me.

'Catch!' He called out, the ball flew straight to me and planted into my face.

It went silent, the ball bouncing off my face and back onto the ground. A low growl escaped from my throat, Lyle only swallowed in fear. 'You like playing catch? I'll show you my own game of it. I'm sure you'll find it just as fun.' I chuckled, picking the ball off the ground and swinging it with my arms.

'Hey wait- it was an accident I'm sorry-' I cut him off, throwing the ball right at his face which knocked him off his feet. He grunted, rubbing his now sore and bleeding nose while looking at me with complete fear. The ball bounced away, rolling right to the Colonel's feet. Just my luck I suppose.

'Well, I see you two are having fun roughing each other up.' Quaritch grumbled, his tail swished angrily behind him, only focusing on me. I swallowed, looking at Spider who had already hid himself behind my leg.

My tail lowered, cowering between my legs while my eyes focused on the ground. I knew I was in for it. 'I apologize, I didn't mean to hurt him.' I spoke, straightening myself as Quaritch approached me, looking straight into my eyes. He cleared his throat, placing his arm on my shoulder.

'Accident or not, you're going to the General's office. As I recall, she told me to send you right to her anytime you stepped even a LITTLE out of line, which is exactly what I'm going to do.' He spoke sternly, looking down at Spider who hid behind my leg. He grabbed his arm and tugged the boy away from me.

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