Chapter 2. Growing Up

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Through Different Eyes


August 16th, 1741

Hedwig was now two years old and quite intelligent for a toddler. He was very cheerful and outgoing, even in their small town in London called Lockwood with the population of 708 people, everyone found Hedwig a good little man. Everyone seemed to know him..

May 12th, 1742

Then Haytham was born. Hedwig was in bliss, however. He adored his baby brother and promised himself at only the age of three that he would forever treat his younger brother with the utmost respect and care. Hedwig would make sure of it. And Haytham first smiled at Hedwig, not Jimmy or Elizabeth. It was Hedwig. Haytham adored Hedwig and everyone thought it was adorable. But not their parents. Jimmy and Elizabeth didn't like Hedwig that much ever since Haytham was born. But Hedwig never noticed until he was the age of eleven.

October 23rd, 1750

Hedwig was going over one of his draft scripts. He was planning on making a play called 'A Resolution or Revolution' when he was older and was able to write and read much better than he does now. Hedwig was eleven and Haytham was eight. Life was perfect for Haytham, but not the oldest brother. He was neglected and was slightly jealous of Haytham for that, but he still treated his younger brother with respect. Hedwig looked up from his paper when Haytham opened his door. "Guess what?" Haytham slowly said, walking towards his big brother whose attention was now on Haytham. "What is it?" Hedwig asked with a small smile on his face, putting his quill down. "Aunt Carrie is coming! And you know she always brings her homemade crumpets over!" Haytham had the widest smile on his face that made Hedwig laugh a bit. "Oh, that is wonderful." Hedwig looked at his gold pocket watch and stood up. "I have to collect some firewood before the sun goes down. Mind helping me?" Hedwig slipped on his black justaucorps coat, adjusting the cuff of his sleeves before placing on his black tricorn hat.

Haytham nodded and ran to his room to get his coat and boots on. Hedwig could hear Jimmy and Elizabeth downstairs chatting away. It seemed as if both of them were tipsy from the wine they were drinking earlier. Hedwig scoffed at the thought and finished putting on his boots. "Hedwig! I need your help." Haytham came running out of his room, his white justaucorps coat somehow wasn't on the right way. Hedwig stared at Haytham for a bit before finally helping him with his white coat.

Once Haytham was prepared to go outside - same with Hedwig - they walked downstairs. It seemed as if Jimmy was more drunk than Elizabeth as he could barely walk. This was proven correct when Jimmy almost face planted onto the floor. When he stood back up, he spotted the two brothers about to go outside to collect firewood. "Where are you two going?" Their father slurred. Haytham and Hedwig both quickly turned around to face their drunk father who was already out of the dining room and staring at the two brothers. Haytham glanced at his brother fearfully but Hedwig just stayed still. "Answer me!" Jimmy suddenly shouted out, causing both Haytham and Hedwig to jump slightly. Jimmy angrily scoffed, marching towards Hedwig and grabbing him by the hair and tossing him to the side. Hedwig rolled on the floor, his back hitting the wall, his vision blurry from the tears that welled up in his eyes. He watched as Haytham ran up the stairs.

Jimmy didn't follow, instead, he went down to the wine cellar in the basement. Taking this chance, Hedwig stood up and limped up the stairs to Haytham's room. He gently knocked on the door, hearing Haytham's quiet sniffles and 'come in'. Hedwig opened the door and walked up to Haytham who was sitting on his bed. Hedwig sat down beside Haytham. After a few more sniffles, Hedwig turned towards his brother who had red and puffy eyes from the crying. Hedwig gently took both of his hands on Haytham's face, making him look his older brother in the eyes. "I promise that everything will be okay. And just remember that I'm here for you whenever. It's gonna be that way with us forever." Haytham's lips trembled a bit before he finally embraced Hedwig.

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