Shino ---/ Friend Zone

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"You're heading towards the friend zone!" Kiba declared rather enthusiastic at his best friend, Shino.

Shino looked up from his plate of food and over at Kida, Shikamaru, Choji and Naruto, also at the table were all looking at Kiba after his outburst.

They had been talking about, dispute Shino's arguments for them to stop, his and Tamas growing friendship.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Shino asked, his brow raised over his shades.

"You are heading right for the friend zone Shino!" Kida said, like it was a clear as day thing. "But you don't want to be in the friend zone. You want to be in the romantic zone."

Shino put his chop sticks down on his plate. "I'll ask again, what are you talking about Kiba?"

"You said she hugged you!" Kiba said, "But you don't want her to hug you. You hug your mom, your grandma not someone you want to be romantic with!"

"You're an idiot."

Kiba jumped and turned to see just the girl he was talking about, Tama. "I'm not an idiot."

"Yes you are. What you just said is stupid." Tama took a seat across from Kiba, next to Shino. She has a cup of green tea in her hands. "So what's going on. One of you into a girl and she hugged you?" She raised her brow at Kiba.

"Uh yeah. I was just saying, she's friend zoning him." Kiba said.

"Cuz she hugged him?" Tama laughed, shaking her head. "You know nothing about girls do you Kiba. Poor baby." She took a sip of her tea.

"But people hug their grandma's, who they have no romantic interest in." Kiba said, matter of fact.

"Wow, you really are stupid." Tama sighed, "You call him your best friend Shino-kun? I might have to start worrying about who you call friends." She laughed and turned back from Shino to Kiba.

Tama shifted on her seat a little and looked at each boy at the table, "Shall I give you a girls opinion on this situation."

"Actually, an opinion from the other side would be a good way to get a better over look of the whole situation." Shino said after a moment.

Tama laughed a bit, nodding her head. "So let's address Kiba's point of hugs not be of the romantic zone. Other than it being so beyond stupid. Hugging someone doesn't have to mean you have no romantic intentions for someone. It depends on how it happens. When it happens. Why it happens." Tama pointed at Shikamaru.

"For instance, Shikamaru, imagine this. You Choji and Ino are training really hard. And you're working on some move, you've been working really hard for weeks on it. Your teams been helping you. You've been struggling but you keep going. And you do it. You pull that shit off. And Ino gets super excited, she runs up to you and hugs you." Shikamaru nodded his head a little." Romantic or not? "

"No," he answered. "She's excited I pulled off something I worked hard on. She's happy for me. My friend, my team mate."

"Correct. Your when, at training. Your why, she's excited for you. Your how, she'll probably just hug you for a second or to, excited and happy and let go. Clean simple cute." Tama explained.

"Yeah, like your grandma." Kiba said.

"Not like your grandma, like your friend Kiba." Tama said. "I'm just going on a guess here that you're not going to tell me who this is about and who hugged who. So can I have to situation at least?"

"No." Kiba said, flatly.

"Fine. Hugging is a form of affection, so just because you hug your grandma does not mean, a girl hugging a boy is her putting him in the friend zone. In most cases it's probably easier for her to show her affection in a less direct manner. If she just walked over and kisses the guy she like on the cheek or lips. It's be embarrassing, flustering. What if he turns her down, doesn't like her that way. Opening up her affection in a slower, less intimate way is her way of opening up. So yes, girls hug their grandma', their friends and their love interests. You just need to know how to spot the difference."

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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