Porca Vacca

33 1 0

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Sunshine beamed through the windows, offering a refreshing amount of natural lighting into the empty school. Aurora's eyes surveyed her surroundings as she allowed her feet to carry her anywhere they pleased. Admiring art on the walls, trying to race the disappearing staircase, listening to the symphony of the music room, she had ventured across nearly the entire school. The rest of the students would be arriving in a few hours, so she took the time to properly enjoy the silent and lonely hallways.

She found herself in the Astronomy Tower when she bumped into Professor Weasley, who had admitted to be looking for her. Apparently, Aurora was going to be introduced along with the other transfer students who had just made an early arrival. The brunette found herself following Professor Weasley around quite often, whether it be to her common room or meeting her fellow transfer students.

When they arrived at the Great Hall, she was met with three other teenagers.

One was a tall and burly boy with dark hair and a light complexion standing at the end of a table. His stare was intimidating and strong, but she could tell he wasn't acknowledging her in a rude way. His red robes with fur lining led her to believe he was from Durmstrang.

There was also a beautiful girl with light blonde hair that sat in perfect waves despite having spent the day travelling. Her high-heeled shoes paced the floor as she walked in a circular pattern. She smiled at Aurora and the Italian could feel herself blushing at her spotless visage. Her periwinkle robes and hat confirmed she was from Beauxbatons.

The final student was another boy, this one much less intimidating and much more relaxed than the other two as he leaned against the stone wall beside the door. He lazily waved, his lips tugging into a smirk as he eyed her up and down. She could only guess that he was from Ilvermorny.

Suddenly, Aurora valued the silence of Hogwarts much less than when she was aimlessly strolling the layout. All eyes were on her, as the others had already spent time together while travelling here. Curse the Headmaster for not wanting her to be tardy. Shifting uncomfortably, she lightly rocked on her heels. She made eye contact with each of them, a small, clumsy smile gracing her face.

"Alright, now that you're all here together, we can discuss your entrance and introductions."


"Really? I've never been to France before but I imagine it's beautiful, and I love the language," Aurora grinned, in awe of where the lovely Beauxbatons girl was from. For the past few hours, the four soon-to-be students had spoken to one another and perfected their entrances. Chloé Fontaine was her name, sorted into Slytherin for her time here. It wasn't surprising, she had a silver tongue and could deflect anything thrown at her with a cunning attitude. Though, she was still rather nice. Aurora hadn't talked much with the two boys, only really learning their names and houses.

Daniil Dankovsky was the boy from Durmstrang, he was a Ravenclaw. He had a thick accent, which was sometimes difficult to understand considering English wasn't Aurora's mother tongue but it was the only language they were all familiar with.

Lastly, the boy from Ilvermorny was named Elijah Jones, after his late grandfather. He was a Gryffindor, fearless and bold as a lion. He, unlike the other three, spoke much clearer and smoother in English, making it easy to listen when he spoke.

"Yes, it's nice in France, but Italy must also be quite the place as well?" Chloé asked. If she wanted to, she could have Aurora talking non-stop forever,

𝐀𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 (𝐎𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora