Welcome <3

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These stories are one shots, usually in 1 or 2 chapters, no more. If the story contains Trigger Warning, I put them at the beginning of the chapter. Stories with an asterix (*) in the title are explicit scenes, although I don't think I'll write any yet.

I am French, so forgive the few mistakes I can make, and tell me to correct them <3

You can of course send me Tiktoks (or other) for me to write stories about. I would always link the videos that inspired me at the beginning and end of the chapter. I advise you to read what I write before watching the tiktok because it's a spoil:)

Always treat people with kindness and respect <3

Voila, voila, kisses!

Ipomoea Alba

Marauders one shot (based on Tiktoks)Where stories live. Discover now