Chapter 3

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I was reading in my room when I heard corporal Ackerman outside the rooms yelling, "Time to wake up brats training starts in ten" I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me. I got up and grabbed my uniform and walked to the bathroom.

On my way to the bathroom I was getting these weird looks from people which only made my anxiety worse but I chose to ignore it. Once I got to the bathroom I was lucky no one else was in there and I found a shower away from all the others just in case other girls come in.

After my shower I realized I forgot underwater in my room so I wrapped the towel around my body and grabbed my uniform before quickly going to my room and locking the door.

I then got my uniform on and realized I was gonna run late if I didn't leave right that second so I brushed my hair and then walked out of my room putting it up on the way to the training grounds.

"Today we will be practicing with our 3DM gear. You will be practicing balancing and learning how to use it." Commander Erwin said.

'This is gonna be easy' I thought looking at the contraption in front of us. "Y/N you're  up first" said commander. I walked forward and got into the contraption. Then I was hoisted up into the air and I didn't lose my balance. It was quite fun though my face showed a bored expression. I was lowered down about as fast as I went up. I landed without almost falling or anything.

Everyone passed with flying colors except Eren, but then we found out his was broken so we fixed it and he passed.

At dinner I sat at the same spot as I did yesterday. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin sat with me again. This time I didn't talk at all. I took the dream about my dad's death as a warning to stay away and not get too close to them.

After dinner I started heading to my room when a short grumpy man stopped me. "My office in five." He said in a  demanding way. I continued to my room and I got changed into some shorts and a large T-shirt for bed. Then I left my room again and headed to his office.

I knocked on the office door and he said,  "state your name and buisness" I sighed. 'I have to speak great.' I thought "Y/N" I said. I then entered to see him sitting at his desk still doing paperwork. I stood there for a second before walking over to the chair across from his and I sat down.

I waited for him to say something but to my dismay he didn't. I stayed and waited for something when I realized he seemed to be asleep. I decided it was best to leave so I slowly walked out and went to bed.

*the next day*

"Today you guys are going to kill fake titans" Hange said

There were some squeals of exigent but I chose to stay quiet as usual. I was a little exited as well. I knew I would ace this considering my parents taught me about titians and ODM gear.

My parents were layed off by the scouts due to injuries before I was born. I was basically born to be a scout, though my parents never really wanted me to become one because they knew how scary it can be as well as how dangous it can be.

I quickly pushed the thought of my parents out of my head as we begon to move. All of us cadets made our way to the forest.

~la time skip brought to you by Sasha and her potatos~

We made it to the forest and strapped our gear on before getting in a line.

"Three....." We heard the count down begin.

"Two....." I prepared to take off.

"One!" I zipped up to a tree and found a titian. I used my 3DMG to grapple to a tree before abruptly turning around. I then grappled into the titans nape and sliced it wide open. I began to search for more titans finding them and repeating the same three steps. 'I have to get revenge on that dumbass Closal titian.'  I thought craving revenge for my parents. 'It's his fault their gone' I began to get angrier. Before I knew it we had "killed" all the titans.

"Cadet (L/N) come with us please." Said commander Erwin. I nodded in response and followed quickly behind my three superiors.

What could they want?? Find out in the next chapter! Also, sorry for not posting I've been a little busy with school lol! 807 words.


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