Chapter 4

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❗️TW mentions of SH❗️


As we approached HQ I began to get more nervous. 'What could they want? Have I done something wrong? If so, what did I do?' Thoughts like these raced through my mind. I took slow deep breaths to calm my nerves and before I knew it we were at Erwins office.

The four of us, Hange, Levi, Erwin, and I, walked into Erwin's office. I sat down across from him. He was behind his desk while I was in front of it. Levi stood behind me leaning up against the doorframe. Hange was behind Erwin against the wall with her arms crossed and her head down.

"Cadet (Y/N)," Erwin started, "We noticed your style of fighting titians was familiar and it's like you've done this before. We couldn't help but notice that your name sounds familiar as well. We have one question. How do you use your ODM gear so well?"

"Well...." I started quietly. " My parents were (M/N) and (D/N) (L/N) they were layed off by the scouts due to injuries caused by titians. They taught me everything I know and sometimes even took me out and we would use swings as examples on how to balance. We would create fake ODM gear out of things like sticks and weeds as examples on how to use the gear." I explained quietly. The three were surprised that I actually responded.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to them." Erwin asked me.

All the memories came flooding back in an instent. I started hyperventilating and having a panick  attack. Tears blurred my vision. "(Y/N)?" I heard Hange ask.

I ignored her and abruptly got up and rushed out of the room sobbing. Tears streamed down my face as I ran to my room I got a lot of weird looks but I ignored them all.

Once I got to my room I locked the door and sobbed in bed until I eventually cried myself to sleep.

Levi POV

I was in Erwins office as he asked (Y/N) questions about how she knew her way around using ODM gear and killing titians so well.

All of a sudden (Y/N) bulted out of the room her face red and hot tears pouring down her face. I watched as she ran down the hallway to her room, aleast that's where I would assume.

~la time skip~


I woke up early in the morning again and looked in the mirror. 'Eww what the fuck is that?!'  I asked myself looking in the mirror. My hair had left over gel in it making my hair look crusty. My face red and stained with tears while my evey had bags and were puffy from crying. I sighed as I looked at myself and prepared my clean uniform.

I brought all my things to the girls bathroom and picked a shower. It was really early in the morning so no one else was awake. I turned on the shower and took my clothes off asi began to wait for the water to warm up. Once it did I hopped in letting the warm water run down my body. I looked down at my thigh that had scars on it from a habit I had picked up after my parents died I stopped about a month ago but there are still urges sometimes. Tough I don't give into them it still makes me feel guilty for even doing it in the first place.I quickly finished my shower, dried off, and got dressed. I then brushed my hair and teeth.

As I left the showers a deep voice called my name. "Oi, brat." He said. I turned around to see none other then captain Levi. I glared at him noting the mood to deal with whatever shitty  thing he had to say. I really didn't want to hear it. "My office. Now." He said sternly.

Holaaaa!!! Kinda a short chapter but oh well. What do you think is gonna happen with Levi and (Y/N)? Do you think he cares? Find out in the next episode of DRAGON BALL Z! LMAOOOO SORRYI HAD TO but fr find out in thenext chapter. Also, I am now on spring break so I should be posting more much live y'all! ❤


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