Picture Perfect, part 2

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Shijima drew a stand with all kind of weapons, and it became real.

"You can kill them however you like!" she announced with a careless smile. "Strangle them, stab them with a knife, beat them with a blunt object. What weapon do you prefer? You seem to be rather weak, so perhaps something small like this dagger?"

"What are you saying? To kill Yashiro..." Amane was stuttering. "I could never do something like that!"

"But you do want to get back to the real world? This world is entirely fictional, so don't concern yourself with silly things such as feelings of imaginary characters. You better hurry; if you stay in this world long enough, your memories of the real world will fade."

Sousuke grabbed Amane's arm, and they both fled.

Unknown to them, Nanamine and Natsuhiko were observing the scene from above.

"Our job here is done. There is no way they are going to kill their friends."

Outside of the tower, it was evening. The sky was clear and you could see the stars.

Sousuke covered his eyes with both hands and sobbed.

"Why does she have to be... so mean!"

Mere thought of something happening to Minamoto was distressing for him.

"Listen..." Amane said, "We don't even know if what she's telling is true. We'll figure out another way to get out of here."

Sousuke rised his eyes on the Amane.

"What are you boys talking about?" Yashiro was standing next to them.

"Aaaugh!" they both screamed.

"W-what is it? You look like you've seen a ghost," Yashiro was surprised.


Thoughts raced in Amane's head. There was no way the boys were killing anyone. They has to be some other way. They must find it.

"Senpai!" Kou Minamoto was behind her. "Where do you want the equipment?" He was carrying a bag with a laptop and a box with some devices and wires.

"Ah sure. Bring it to the operator's room," Yashiro ordered.

"Okay!" Minamoto was about to run off.

"Minamoto! Wait right there!" Sousuke chased after him, and they were gone.

"What are you carrying?" asked Amane. Yashiro was holding a stack of DVD boxes.

"These are some of my favorite movies. We are making a movie night!" Yashiro smiled widely. "We'll use the projector and sound system in the school's assmebly hall. Everyone is going to watch. Tonight's theme is 'Love is in the Air'."

Amane helped her bring the disks into the operator's room.

There were many students in the assmebly hall. They were hanging in small groups, some already taking the seats. To the side, there was a stand with freshly baked cookies. Aoi was leading it, with Yokoo, Satou, Tsukasa and Akane helping. Akane and Aoi seemed just fine, as if they were not cut to pieces earlier.

"Amane-kun! Do you want to know a secret?" she beckoned him and when then whispered in his ear, "I hope you can do a good job of killing Nene-chan!"

Amane looked at her stunned, but she just laughed as if it was some funny joke.

"What?.. What's happening? How does she know?.." Amane wondered. "Is she... is she the mastermind behind all this? Wait a second. Is this... her revenge?!"

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