Embracing the Storm

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An hour later, Viji arrived at Surya's house. He was waiting by the door, appearing nervous yet excited. He welcomed her inside. Surya seemed anxious, while Viji stood firm, not ready to forgive him easily. She decided to pretend they were breaking up, catching Surya off guard. He dropped to his knees, apologizing and begging her not to leave him.

Viji acted distant as if she couldn't be with someone who lied. Surya held onto her legs, tears in his eyes, and begged her to stay. He cried like a child, and Viji felt sorry for how scared he must have been those two days.

Viji's heart softened, and she stopped her act. She told Surya that she wouldn't let go of him so easily for lying. She joked about teasing him after marriage to make sure he never lied again. Surya was surprised and stopped pleading. He hugged her tightly, admitting he was terrified of losing her. They shared a heartfelt embrace, both feeling emotional. Surya suggested they sit down; he went to wash his tear-streaked face.

When he returned, Surya hugged Viji again, not wanting to let her go. Viji reassured him, and they decided to watch a romantic comedy on his phone. As they watched, they chatted and laughed, lightening the atmosphere. However, an intimate scene in the movie made them uncomfortable. Surya tried to read Viji's reaction, and she looked away. Sensing the tension, she paused the movie, trying to change the mood. But the moment had already arrived.

Surya moved closer to Viji, their eyes showing desire. Slowly, he closed the gap between them. Viji's arms wrapped around his neck, and their lips met. The kiss started gently, then intensified. Their lips pressed together passionately, tongues exploring each other's mouths. Viji let out a soft sound, her fingers in Surya's hair. He broke the kiss, trailing kisses down the side of her neck. She arched into him, lost in the blissful sensations washing over her.

Surya picked her up and carried her to the couch. He hovered above her, his lips leaving warm kisses on her skin. Lost in the moment, they gave in to their desires. The kiss felt like it went on forever. When they finally stopped, they were out of breath and wrapped up in each other.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, breaking the moment. A neighbour needed something from Surya. Annoyed, he helped them and came back. He wanted Viji to stay longer, but she worried about people finding out about their meetings before the wedding. They shared a hug, and Surya kissed her forehead before they said goodbye.

Surya's manager called him three days before their wedding and assigned him a job that required him to travel a long distance. Surya informed him that his wedding was in three days and requested to assign the work to someone else. Surya's manager told him that if he didn't want the promotion, he could enjoy his marriage, and someone deserving of the position would get it and hung up the phone. Surya was enraged. When Viji arrived and asked what had occurred, he said what the manager had told him. She advised that they both go directly to meet him. 

When they arrived, the manager greeted them and wished them a happy marriage. Surya then asked Viji to wait outside while he walked into the manager's room. Surya came out a few minutes later, tense and perplexed. Viji inquired as to what the manager had said. Surya explained that he had some disagreements with his manager, which was why he put him in that situation. 

Viji asked about what may be done, as he had worked so hard for the promotion. Surya said that the manager had asked him to get down on his knees and apologise to him to allow him to continue. Viji knows Surya would never do such a thing, but their wedding was in three days. She was worried about what will everyone say about Surya if they found out he had lost his job. 

Surya noticed Viji was lost in thoughts; he knows Viji had her life well planned; because of him, most of her dreams were broken, but she would never have imagined marrying someone who didn't have a job and didn't know what he was going to do in the future. Surya told Viji that it was a critical point in his life, so he would do as the manager asked and went inside. 

Viji, still lost in her thoughts, realised what he had said. Even though she wants him to have a job, she knows this insult will haunt him for the rest of his life. She rushed inside and stopped Surya. She assured him they could manage their lives till he found another work and asked him not to tell about losing the job to anyone in the family. She then stared at his manager and pulled Surya outside. Surya looked at her, stunned and proud.

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