Reunion [1]

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This one shot is a spin off from the reunion between Eda and Serkan when Serkan with memory loss comes back to ArtLife in episode 29. There will two POV: Serkan and Eda


It's been 2 months since my beloved Serkan's plane crashed, since he disappeared. I know everyone thinks he died but I am sure he is out there somewhere and that he will come back... to ArtLife, his friends, family and... me. After all, he promised.

I finished watering the plants in the meeting room when I see all employees surronding something.. no someone
I take a deep breath and walk towards them. Engin and Pyryl are hugging a man... Serkan... my Serkan
I walk slowly towards him. When he turns around, I finally exhale the breath I had no idea I was holding.
I reach for his cheek. He is really here, really alive. He came back.

However, something is different. He doesn't look at me the same way as he used to. His eyes used to express light, passion and ... love. And right now, they express confusion, loss and... disgust.
He doesn't recognize me.
I start hyperventilating before my lids close, everything turns black and I faint.

Serkan POV

I watch as this woman slowly closes her eyes before she starts collapsing.
As if it was a reflex, I quickly catch her, carry her in bridal style, climb the stairs, go through a certain amount of doors before deposing her on a sofa. I have no idea where I am or how I got here. But it felt right, like it was something I had to do. I then kneel next to the woman, hold her hand and wait for something. I have no idea what's going to happen but something tells this is really important.

Flashbacks of scenes where she faints

I am pulled from the vision... no memory when she starts seizing. I start to panick. She has never done this before. Wait... how do I know that? Never mind that now as I hold her tight close to me and start shouting a name
"Eda! Eda! Wake up. Please, wake up. Please Eda."
"Serkan... What happened?"
"You are okay! My God, Eda you scared me so much. Don't ever do that again"

I kiss her forehead, lean mine on hers and exhale relieved
I have no idea why I am acting this way. I am sure Selin told me that she was manipulative and turned me into someone else. Then why would I act this way? Did she lie to me? Maybe this Eda actually meant something to me.
I am very scared and confused. That is this moment feels so normal that I don't care. I will worry about it after.

"Dada, brother-in-law is everything okay?" Says a woman as she enters the room and runs to hug us. I tense in the hug. She then turns to me
"You remember. Do you remember the last year? It's me Melo"
"I am sorry, I don't...


"I... don't... Everything is fuzzy"
"Brother Serkan are you okay?" I hear Engin say behind me
"Yes, Engin. I am fine"

I see everyone looking at me strangely. I hate it. People are scared for me. It supposed to be the other way round. I hate it.
"Guys, can you leave us? says Selin harshly, looking at everyone. And one by one they leave the room
I should feel relieved that she asked everyone to leave but when Eda gets up to leave. My heart breaks. I look at her on her way out

Flashback to Eda entering the office to get her bag, Eda going down the stairs in the university

"Eda! Eda! Stay" I shout at her as she exits the room.
"Selin, do you mind? I have questions about something"
Selin is puzzled and a little scared. She then whispers in my ear to be careful, that she will be outside and exits the room. The only ones left now are Eda and me.

"Eda.. are you okay? Since when have you.." I shake my head. This can't be right. "Nevermind, I..."
"Serkan, please tell me, remember me. You love me not her. We were inseparable, about to get married in front of everyone but.."
"But I had to go to Italy to sign something for the company. So I left.
"Yes, yes, that's it. That day, you came to tell me that you were flying to Italy and promised that...
"I would be back in time, I promised. But something else happened that day... a woman, us...
I shake what starts to look like a visiom of the day "But I don't remember... I don't remember why... sorry"
"Serkan, please. Your mind forgot me but not your heart. Please... remember me. Please, Serkan I beg you. Please.."
Her voice breaks and there are tears in her eyes. I understand she wants me to remember but she stole my company. I became someone else when she was around. She is just doing to this to ensure herself of the company.
"Listen lady, just leave me alone. I don't remember you. So just stay out of my way"

I go down the stairs about to walk out when
"Mr. Serkan, you were the love of my life. You changed for me. You broke down all of your walls for me. You were insecure, cold when I met you. But the day you left, you were light, passionate and most of all when you looked at me, anyone random could have understood that you loved from the every beginning, ever since I placed handcuffs of us. We fought for each of many times that I could not even count the number of times we broke up and back together within a week. You used to call me fairy girl. You are... were my soulmate. Now, look at you. You are even worse than before me. When I look at you, I see the insensitive, calculated, robot that I hated when we met" She slaps me and starts to walks out "You know it is said that losing your memory is equivalent to losing a part of your soul. Turns out they were right. By losing that year, our year. I don't even recognize you anymore. Welcome back to ArtLife Serkan bey, the insensitive and cold robot." I can see the tears in her eyes and the pain in her voice. She turns back to the main door and walks out.

I just stand there shocked. Did she just tell me off in front of everyone. The worst it feels familiar somehow the fact she screames at me in front of all the employees of ArtLife, the things she said were on the tip of my tongue.
My head hurts as everything turns back, I lose footing and collapse.

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