Planet Tao. Meeting with the Alliance

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Ochō and Crazy Zing arrived to Planet Tao. When she entered the facilities, Lop was greeted by the same Imperial officer who convinced Ochō to join the Empire in the first place.

The officer says to her - 20th Sister

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The officer says to her - 20th Sister. I am now the Governor of the Planet Tao. It is a pleasure to speak with you again. It's been a while since you went to Fortress Inquisitorium for training. You are now everything that the Empire aspires to be.  -

Ochō was displeased for the fact that her father was right about the imperial abuse of the planet's resources, specifically about the mining of the Kyber crystals in the planet and how it seemed that despite the increased pollution and overexploitation, the number of credits for the average citizens remained the same. Then she says - I've been busy checking into the planet since I've become an Inquisitor. The people's needs are increased, but the only good part of the planet is the government controlled sector. Why? -
The imperial officer tries to find an excuse and says to her - There is still some fools from the Yasaburō clan that challenge us. Their last attack it was meant to disrupt the Kyber supply that is shipped offworld. Perhaps you could lend us your skills and lightsaber to....ack! -

Ochō begins to choke the Imperial Officer with the Force as she says to him - I find your lack of honor and your petulance annoying. Your petty scuffles are unimportant to me, Governor. I answer only to Lord Vader or the Emperor Palpatine himself. I am here on a mission of my own-
Crazy Zing asks Ochō to restrain herself - That's enough, 20th Sister, let him go! -
Ochō responds - As you wish-

Ochō releases the Governor from her grip and says to the Imperial Officer -  You will offer the ill gained surplus income of the villages affected by the industrialization in exchange they cease resistance and pledge allegiance to the Empire. You are only a bureaucrat. Do not try to live better than our Emperor!-

As Ochō walks away, the Imperial Officer yells at her - Who do you think you are, woman!?-

Then Crazy Zing says to the Governor while he threatens him with the lightsaber - She's the last person you wanna dank with!!-

A couple of months later, Vred's ship managed to get into planet Tao due to the fact his ancient Mandalorian ship predated the Empire's use of a balisa, so they were able to pass through without being detected.

Lop was surprised to see one third of the once beautiful and lush planet being reduced to a mined wasteland, polluted by the Empire's machine's byproducts.

Lop shed tears while saying - My home. There must be a way to resolve this -
Vred says to Lop - There is. Assassinate the Emperor. If the planet reveals against the Empire, there is a possibility that the Empire might bombard the planet. The Empire is not known for middle measures, you know? Remember what happened to Mandalore and Jedha-

Maris, Lop and Vred got a Speeder with the money Lop had and headed near the Goverment sector. Then a group of Stormtroopers stopped them for questioning

One of them asks - What's the reason this Lepi slave isn't with the others? -
Maris uses the Force to influence their minds wave her hand and says - She must be of importance to have her freedom-
The Stormtrooper affected says - She must be important to have her freedom-
Maris waves her hand again and says - We can move along now -
The Stormtrooper says - Move along now -

As they entered the government area, Vred asks - How can you do that?-
Maris responds - The Force have influence on feble minds -
Vred asks - You didn't do that to me, do you? -
Maris responds - Of course not! I use my powers to knowledge and defense. Besides, when you remove your helmet to be with me, i want it to be willingly -
Vred - Not using the Force for fun? That's boring-
Maris spanks Vred with the Force and Vred says - What was that!?-
Maris says smiling - Don't know what you're talking about -

As they advanced towards the district, a group of Yasaburō militia soldiers stormed the streets and begins to attack the Imperials. The militiamen were being supported by members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Amongst the rebels, Maris and Lop noticed one of the rebels wearing a blue lightsaber to deflect the blaster fire of the Stormtroopers.  It was Luke Skywalker

One hidden sniper was about to shoot Luke, but Lop throws her lightsaber to destroy the sniper's weapon while Maris uses the Force to bring down the structure where the sniper was hidden

Maris says to Luke - Still got much to learn, boy-
One of the soldiers of the Alliance says to Maris - Do you realize who he is?-
Other soldier says - He's the hero of Yavin! He single handedly destroyed the Death Star! -

The Empire then bring up several tanks that were too much for Yasaburō Clan and the Alliance, so they retreated to the wilderness.

Luke sees Maris and Lop. Then he asks - The Force guided you here. What's your story? -
Maris says - There's something of great importance hidden within the Imperial headquarters. It could change the outcome of the war-
Lop says to Luke - Maybe the whole galaxy. Inside the Yasaburō sanctum there was more than just my lightsaber. There was the legacy of the Hero of Tython that could lead to the Sith Emperor's Library. A collection of text of both the Sith and the Jedi Order that are too dangerous to fall into the Empire's hands-
Luke asks - How can you know that?-
Lop responds - I've been contacted by a spirit in the Force. -

Luke believed in what Lop said to him because the Spirit of Obi Wan was also guiding him.
Luke says to her - I believe you. You aren't the only one who had seen them. Taking the planet from the Imps is very important.
Lop, with some experience in the planet says - There's a way we can obtain what we need and help the people of Tao getting rid of the Empire. My father, lord Yasaburō had good relationships with the Separatists, so much that he managed to purchase a prototype of a specialized Lucrehulk class battleship that included a droid factory. The ship is not far from here-

With a plan, the Alliance were to recover the Lucrehulk and the planet Tao from Empire's power.

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